He beat the water with his paws to hold himself up, but the harder he tried, the deeper he sank.
By this time, Mark Antony had palled up with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Octavian beat both of them, and he became the sole ruler of the empire in 27 BCE.
They remorselessly beat up anyone they suspected of supporting the opposition.
He pounced on the photographer, beat him up, and smashed his camera.
They threw her schoolbag over a high fence and began pushing her around, saying that they would beat her up.
Some 20 truncheon-wielding Roma youths beat up six young white men outside a disco.
There was one acquaintance who had not done well in prison; he was in there for two years, and he got beat up quite a bit, and wasn't able to defend himself.
On June 1st thugs abducted and beat up Poddala Jayantha, a journalist and activist.
When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the "Aryan" seats.
William threatened to beat up Lincoln, but Abe refused to fight him, saying he was much too big and too strong to meet a Grigsby.
How do you escape the prisoners' dilemma challenge off like it's always best to beat up the other guy, and cooperation is never good.
Not long after, Al Arabiya's Cairo bureau was stormed and shut down by pro-Mubarak sympathizers who beat up one reporter and kidnapped another.
In a recent road-rage incident in the Russian capital, two Chechen policemen bearing special security passes beat up and fired at a bus driver who cut in front of their Mercedes.
We beat up yolks, adding oil little by little. Then salt and sugar to taste, mustard on the tip of a knife and a tablespoonful of vinegar.
Most of them are former skinheads who are just tired to beat up black people without any ideology.
Tess beat up the long hill still faster; but she could not outwalk them without exciting notice.
So when he heard that the new “peace police” force in the City of God slum was offering free karate classes, Mr. Bento signed up, hoping he would at least get to beat up the karate instructor.
You don't have to condone kids getting beat up every day to enjoy seeing him in the ring.
Yet, however popular it has become to beat up central Banks, Japan's tragedy underlines their huge advantages.
France is slowly selling off a portion of its trove, he explains, but buyers don't want the beat-up American gold.
Then, when Nisan got his driver's license a few months later, he invited Nemutan for a ride around town in his beat-up Toyota.
Other than the fact that it was pretty beat up by the time that the design process was over, it was exactly the airplane that Boeing shipped.
And that can be a dangerous thing as investors have the tendency to load up on risky stocks when times are good, and then get beat up by the volatility when the stock market turns hostile.
So if we tease this apart and this is actually nice, every semester I get beat up for just how bad this thing actually is if you start really picking it apart.
A piece of blood-stained paper, caught up from some meat-buyer's dust-heap, beat up and down the road without the gate; too flimsy to rest, too heavy to fly away; and a few straws kept it company.
that families did go to the doctor, and that, despite what skeptical Mexican cabinet members had warned, men did not beat up their wives, take the money and get drunk.
Hearing this, an old man stood up among the audience and said, "I can understand you quite well, and you know I had a beat-up car like yours."
Hearing this, an old man stood up among the audience and said, "I can understand you quite well, and you know I had a beat-up car like yours."