The real work was being done by people who knew how to play the saxophone or improvise a long melody with a few chords and a swing beat for support.
Everyone's dancing to this song these days, but it's also got a great beat for running.
Now, my heart has already died, please hear that even beat for the deathly still heart.
Pour boiling syrup into gelatin and mix at high speed. Add the salt and beat for about 12 minutes.
This fun song has a pretty quick beat for your faster runs. Give it a try and see if you can keep up with it.
Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle's heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered.
Then set the bowl in a basin of cold water and beat for a minute or two until the mixture is light, fluffy, and a pale ivory color.
Before you get out of bed in the morning, press your index and middle fingers against the inside of your wrist below your thumb and count the beat for 30 seconds.
The real work, they felt, was being done by people who knew how to play a saxophone or improvise a long melody with nothing more than a few chords and a swing beat for support.
This is why calls for a plant-based diet modeled on India risk offering another whip with which to beat already vulnerable communities in developing countries.
Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title.
He wanted $8 000 for the car but I beat him down to $6 000.
他那辆汽车要价8 000元,但我压到了6 000元。
The board game Go took over from chess as a new test for human thinking in 2016, when a computer beat one of the world's leading professional Go players.
When he had the goat in safety, he raised his rod to beat it for punishment.
Music with a quick and continuing beat is good for exercising.
One day after I repeated "No" to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game.
When we hear dance music, for example, we naturally start to move to the beat.
One night, Campbell showed his dad the bear he'd made for him, saying it would help him beat the illness.
"He would beat me for simple things, like not making enough money or worse, getting pulled over by a cop," she said.
If Madame sees that some one has carried it for me, she will beat me.
But then the leaders of South Korea and China may not want him to be. Being able occasionally to beat Japan for its lack of remorse is not all bad.
Don't expect telecoms to beat down the doors for dark pulse lasers, however, said Purdue University's Andrew Weiner, an expert on ultra-fast optics.
Don't make excuses, beat yourself up, or overcompensate for your error.
This song has a nice steady beat that's good for a warm-up or cool down.
Patching together a sequence for 'Beat It,' Mr. Ortega was frustrated that he didn't have a wide shot to give viewers perspective.
Austria and Turkey beat out Iceland for the two seats allocated to this region.
He defended the actions of one of his pupils who beat a television reporter for arriving uninvited at Mr Guo’s home.
He defended the actions of one of his pupils who beat a television reporter for arriving uninvited at Mr Guo’s home.