Beating-up: crankshaft four-linkage weft beating.
This paper analyses the linkage beating-up mechanisms based on technical requirements of the bating-up movement for weaving.
It's the tiny, gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results.
All the simple recipe involves is beating the mango into pulp, and maybe adding a little milk, cream and cardamom to spice things up.
Stop beating me up. Don't let your inner voice pummel your spirit.
She lost control soon after and will always be remembered for beating up a minivan with an umbrella, shaving her head and getting multiple tattoos under the influence of alcohol.
Think about it: these same young people, aged as young as 10, who have been carrying bats, setting shops alight, stealing and beating people up, are also sitting in our classrooms.
You learn how to take a beating, then get up and do what you need to do.
So beating up savers can be represented as a kind of Keynesian demand management.
"Priorities shift, but that doesn't mean you're selling out - you are facing reality and trying to be realistic about what you can achieve and you should stop beating yourself up about it," she said.
There are the endless digs at Wall Street and Big Pharma, not to mention the beating up of BP.
There wasn't much value in beating myself up about what happened, or in holding on to a sense of outrage.
Instead of having people beating each other up in the lab, they chose a more indirect expression of aggression: putting spicy sauce on another person's food.
Beating up on Bush, it appears, is easier.
Those boys certainly seemed to get a big kick out of beating up on Hillary.
We end up beating ourselves up much of the time, and we forget how far we've actually come.
Their social habits are appalling - the males are always beating their fellows up and stealing their females.
But even when bullying decreases, it's hard to know whether kids are actually becoming "kinder" -kindness being hard to measure-or simply refraining from beating one another up in the hallways.
It's much easier to stay motivated when you're being positive, rather than when you're beating yourself up for not getting more done.
I would always recommend that when you start to recognize that you're beating yourself up because you're angry with yourself just stop.
The average woman still spends a lot of time every day beating herself up about her weight and looks.
I'll wake up with my heart beating very hard and fast, and I'll be WIDE AWAKE.
I'll take Malick's somber, poetic and monumental style any day over robots beating each other up and cracking bad jokes.
Rather than beating yourself up for feeling doubtful, acknowledge it and let it pass.
"I've been beating myself up my whole life, but I'm insured, I know the status of my own health, " Homme told the Guardian last year.
Instead of having to come up with a world-beating language and API on its own, Apple's got the entire industry working towards a solution on its behalf.
R&B singer Chris Brown was arrested Sunday night by Los Angeles cops for allegedly beating up a woman, and insiders identified the victim as his superstar girlfriend Rihanna.
"Media spent so much time beating up on these companies," he says. "They will bounce back."
As a result the spring butterflies have been spotted "beating up" late summer butterflies including chalk-hill blues and gatekeepers, he said.
“结果是,春天产下的第一代蝴蝶被观察到‘痛打’夏天产下的第二代- - - - -这其中包括了石灰石蓝蝶和看门人蝶(译者注:均为蝴蝶品种)。”Oates说道。
As a result the spring butterflies have been spotted "beating up" late summer butterflies including chalk-hill blues and gatekeepers, he said.
“结果是,春天产下的第一代蝴蝶被观察到‘痛打’夏天产下的第二代- - - - -这其中包括了石灰石蓝蝶和看门人蝶(译者注:均为蝴蝶品种)。”Oates说道。