And it was the accident that ruthlessly robbed one of my mother's beautiful and bright eyes.
Everyone was so bullish and a beautiful and bright future seemed to be just around the corner.
Very beautiful and bright he looked in the clear morning air, with no smoke or dust to hide him.
Everyone was so bullish and a beautiful and bright future seemed to be just around the corner26.
It is necessary to add some beautiful and bright colors to your life and purple can be challenged.
They adore being covered with presents, flower and attention so go ahead and arrange some of the most beautiful and bright flowers for your dear mom.
Love is the theme of his works, is a realm, and is also a life of art, the human world as long as there are ways of love, it will become a beautiful and bright.
He was a beautiful creature, with slender legs, bright, intelligent eyes, and a mane that hung down over his neck like a veil.
With your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colours.
One of the good spirits who lived in the sky was watching this and saw how bright and beautiful the world looked.
The trim girl with an above-average IQ of 113 “was bright, very beautiful and clinically healthy, ” the physician and toxicologist recalls.
The trim girl with an above-average IQ of 113 "was bright, very beautiful and clinically healthy," the physician and toxicologist recalls.
The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay.
This beautiful fish had red markings as bright and warm as a fire in the winter. Its eyes were as shiny as stars in the sky.
But at infrared wavelengths bright light from nearby stars lights gas and dust up with beautiful purples, greens, and blues.
One Sunday morning, everyone in one bright, beautiful, tiny town got up early and went to the local church.
It was bright and beautiful, an arresting sight, but it did little to alleviate my sadness.
The screen is beautiful, and it really shows when looking at photos, which are so bright and colorful, I'd almost say it looks sharper than any other phone.
Their bright plumage and beautiful songs delight us.
I sat down in the streetcar — and there against the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle inlaid with gold and necks of bright enamel.
It's so bright and beautiful. But after awhile, as our eyes adjust, we notice that this light is accompanied by a shadow - and usually a fairly large one.
Sometimes it's stormy and you get caught in a downpour, sometimes you dance in the sunlight and occasionally you get to see a big, bright, beautiful rainbow.
A WEEK after the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the echoes of those who instantly predicted all things bright and beautiful for the Balkans are dying away.
WEEK after the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the echoes of those who instantly predicted all things bright and beautiful for the Balkans are dying away.
The website boasts that "beauty lies in the eyes of the voter" who are able to rank aspiring members on a type of traffic light scale where red is "absolutely not" and bright green is "beautiful".
The website boasts that "beauty lies in the eyes of the voter" who are able to rank aspiring members on a type of traffic light scale where red is "absolutely not" and bright green is "beautiful".