This beautiful little creature is going to show us our connection with the rest of the mammals: with cows and sheep, and elephants and anteaters.
This connection of De Broglie's was very beautiful mathematically and was in agreement with the theory of relativity.
They can create beautiful and appropriate surfaces for the interface which establish a mood or connection to a corporate brand.
Design: External form adopts the Siamese twins design, no connection parts, compact structure, beautiful modelling.
But as the exotically beautiful Neytiri teaches Jake about the Na 'vi and their connection to their world, he becomes convinced that the exploitation by his fellow humans must be stopped.
Housed in a beautiful 19th-century building, this stylish hotel offers an oasis of calm in the heart of Barcelona with a garden, outdoor swimming pool and free Wi-Fi connection.
Rapid assembling, good weather and aging re SIStance, reliable strength, beautiful a PPearance, reasonable connection means, are highly acclaimed by the insiders.
My state of peace was like what we all know in those moments of connection to our higher selves, looking at a beautiful sunset, perhaps in prayer, or holding a young child in our arms.
The utility model is characterized in the integrated liquid barrel and electron device barrel at the lower section and reliable connection and beautiful appearance, etc.
A whole building adopts bolt connection or splicing modes so that the building body is smooth and beautiful and is convenient to mount and dismount.
Because the wire clamp is arranged in the shell body of the cable connector, the overall appearance is beautiful and smooth, the connection is firm, and the wire clamp can not easily fall off.
Because the wire clamp is arranged in the shell body of the cable connector, the overall appearance is beautiful and smooth, the connection is firm, and the wire clamp can not easily fall off.