Beauty and personal care sales overall in the United States have been sluggish of late.
"The beauty industry shows no sign of slowing down as beauty and personal care products have become 'must have' items in every household," Dodd said.
Sales of beauty and personal care products in China grew by more than half between 2010 and 2015, according to Euromonitor, a market data provider, and now total more than $50 billion annually.
To help you find the beauty tips that really work, WebMD talked to top skin care and beauty experts, who parted with their personal tips for looking great.
Personal Appearance includes your beauty routine. This involves habits regarding skin-care regimen, hair and makeup routines, wardrobe, posture and style.
Roofing Systems, Razors and Shavers, Cotton Buds, Personal care and Health care Products, Beauty and Healthcare Products, Skin care, Nail care, Hair, Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush.
Shiseido already holds 5% of China's beauty and personal-care market by revenue.
The market situation of male cosmetics and personal care products is related. Some questions concerning male beauty-culture are put forward.
The market situation of male cosmetics and personal care products is related. Some questions concerning male beauty-culture are put forward.