You can read all you want about travel, but it still won't matter, because your experience will be different than everyone else's.
IT has a bright future because technology is pervading every aspect of culture, commerce, and life, and there are still many places on earth where technology will be spreading in the coming decades.
Though people in Shanghai will see no more than a partial eclipse, experts said it will be a great experience, because the sun will be setting while the eclipse is still in progress.
It would also be more accurate: because the bases are still attached to one another, there is no chance that they will pass through the nanopore in the wrong order.
As of 2011, the thieves are still at large, and because of the lack of evidence it is unlikely they will ever be brought to justice.
"I pity my mum and because she is my mother, no matter what she does, whether it's wrong or right, it will still be right in my heart," she wrote.
If you lose the person because you waited, let it happen. If the choice is right, that person will still be available next month.
Still, the benefits are not likely to be immediate, Mr. Guo said, because it will 'definitely be longer than just a one-to-two-year endeavor.'
Just because something was successful in the past doesn't mean it will still be relevant later.
I long to meet you also because I have a lot to give you, although that might be unimportant to you and you will never need it, but still I want to give it to you, I'd better give it to you!
Russia still survived because India was not against it but this time china will be destroyed internally because world power will get India's support which share boundaries with china.
They might change old battlegrounds like av, but they're still not sure if they will be able to do it because of the heavy changes it implies.
The temperature may still rise when the constant temperature just begins; this is because of the waste heat. It will be stable in about half an hour.
But the "die out" not means the media will be disappear, it means count for little in the market, because it will still undertake the important publicize task.
Lastly, the scalar theory can still be used for the qualitative analysis because of its briefness, though it will result in great errors in quantitative calculation.
The last day, I still want to watch the sunrise because it will be the last day that I can see the sunshine.
The last day, I still want to watch the sunrise because it will be the last day that I can see the sunshine.