Because we believe that these words will bring target customers, so called targeted keywords.
The Chinese attaches importance to the document because we believe that there are some positive elements included.
Because we believe that there is always a focus and a new style is the new day is a bolt from the blue counterparts.
ETS will not give a word per minute speed because we believe that all test takers will have enough time to complete the tasks.
Because we believe that your nails should look naturally beautiful, with or without color, we developed Body Blends Accents nail Care.
We focused on student exchanges because we believe that the future is very clearly in the hands of the young people of both of our countries.
Because we believe that Asia's rise over the past two decades has given the region an opportunity for progress that simply didn't exist before.
We support art creators who put lots of effort into their creations because we believe that concentrating on one's own creation is a great thing.
The only reason we believe that it has worked because we believe that it has worked in the past therefore we assume it will work that way in the future.
You have been employed for your specific job because we believe that you possess special skills and qualities, which will make you an asset to the company.
Many were against it because of the high cost of treatment. But we believe that as doctors we have an obligation to find the appropriate treatment for these patients.
In the group that I work with, everything we do, we do in a browser, which I believe is sweet because it's a lightweight environment to work in.
On one side there are serious people - people who believe that we should raise interest rates in the face of high unemployment and falling inflation, because, well, that's what serious people do.
I know something that might sound strange, because we always think of the dangers and challenges in the world around us. But I do believe this is an era of great promise and great opportunity.
And because we have heard that message so many times and from so many angles, we have begun to believe it.
It is because such a phenomenon does not occur for women, that when a man actually says "nothing" we don't believe him.
We believe that our method is easier to perform mentally than Carroll's, because our method requires fewer divisions and memorizations.
I did this film because I believe that if we as a country are going to cause such disorder we must also be prepared to face the horrendous images that result from these events.
We believe this is because the complexity of DOM presents a steep learning curve and leads developers to grab the first piece of code that does what they need.
And secondly, because I believe we are faced with some challenges that are not unlike those faced by our children.
We have no faith: we're afraid to believe, because we're afraid that we'll be deceived.
I can't help feeling that we believe in the altruism thesis so strongly because it feels like the way the world should work.
Plus, as technology removes barriers to entry, the nonacademic elite has come to believe that because anyone can do anything, we are all equally skilled at everything.
What it really means is "no moldboard plow" and because of that we are supposed to believe that farmers are controlling soil erosion.
As a result, lots of companies have appeared over the years to offer us complicated sales training and complicated sales tools that we believe we need because we believe selling is complicated.
I thoroughly believe that at times we stall on executing excellent ideas and solutions simply because we think they are too obvious or too easy.
I thoroughly believe that at times we stall on executing excellent ideas and solutions simply because we think they are too obvious or too easy.