Without knowing why, I had become attached to the White Tara.
The tonofilaments condense into bundles and become attached to desmosomes.
When we become attached to something and try to hold on to it, we feel pain.
But cats are well-known for being fickle so do they really become attached to their owners?
People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.
The gardener has become attached to me within the last few days, and he will lose nothing thereby .
These are only appearances observed by defiled human eyes and people become attached to appearances.
Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.
Emotions are very important, but any mistake you ever make will occur when you become attached to your emotions as reality.
Even for the Martial Artist, the place of money cannot be ignored. Yet one should be careful never to become attached to it.
Next life you haven't found before me, remember not to become attached to, and others too early to believe that we always meet.
So it seems that cats can alleviate negative moods and become attached to humans, but do they actually have personalities of their own?
Once airborne particles touch each other or the walls of a container, they become attached to that surface or combine into one particle.
Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you.
People become attached to science, thinking it's something special. In fact, it is all inherent in our nature, and you don't need to look outside.
Thee idea is to try and break the stigma that has become attached to dining alone and prove that a great meal is best appreciated without conversation.
The problem with this is that once you invest any real time in an idea, you become attached to it. You can't help it, this is an automatic psychological response.
The company knows that, for many users, the main reason they run Firefox instead of one of the other browsers out there is for the extensions they've become attached to.
'you have children of your own,' said Mr Dombey. 'It is not at all in this bargain that you need become attached to my child, or that my child need become attached to you.
Surely you'll be better off with a single, fixed perspective instead of having to consider two separate image streams... unless of course you've become attached to stereo vision.
These are only appearances observed by defiled human eyes and people become attached to appearances. The essential nature of things is free from all discriminations and attachments.
In this way, you become attached to that Rolls Royce. That means that you are attached to a non-living thing because of its color and form – a visible object – and because of the eye.
In this way, you become attached to that Rolls Royce. That means that you are attached to a non-living thing because of its color and form – a visible object – and because of the eye.