I've become convinced that they don't cap your Internet connection at 5 GB out of greed.
And I have become convinced that Pollard's sentence of life was disproportionate to his crime.
That's what we need, if we're really going to become convinced of the immortality of the soul.
Somehow, he had become convinced that Richard Nixon wanted him to go to Australia, to build an electric car.
不知怎么地,他开始相信理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)是希望他去澳大利亚,去设计电车。
Every day, we see images of perfect bodies we can never have, and we become convinced our bodies are who we are.
Having taken part in quite a number of such blind tests, I have become convinced of the truth in this hypothesis.
Despite this, many analysts have become convinced that housing weakness is spreading (or will soon spread) to the rest of the economy.
Connes has become convinced that physics calculations not only reflect reality but hide mathematical jewels behind their apparent complexity.
The more often we have seen a story represented in art, the more firmly do we become convinced that it must always be represented on similar lines.
Rational policy formulation becomes increasingly difficult, as leaders become convinced that conventional economic constraints do not apply to them.
But I would like us not to get carried away by the 57% rally in the stock market (as of the close Sept. 18) and become convinced that everything is fixed.
The last decade, however, has witnessed a (slowly building) revolution in health care, as more and more hospitals become convinced of the therapeutic power of humor.
By the time he began work as a financial-market "quant" in the 1980s, he had already become convinced that the academic mainstream was looking at probability the wrong way.
Mr. Bradley said he had become convinced that his father was not in the photograph after studying evidence that was published in a 2014 article in The Omaha World-Herald.
布拉德利表示,在对《奥马哈世界先驱报》(The Omaha World-Herald)2014年刊登的一篇文章中的证据进行了研究后,他开始相信自己的父亲不在照片中。
But by the time of his death he had become convinced of the firm's culpability, and his dying wish was to make cigarette companies stop deceiving people about the risks of smoking.
In the light of recent animal research, we have become convinced that the vaccine can boost patients' weakening immune system and decrease the amount of virus circulating in the blood.
Since the American study of 1997 raised the spectre of a connection between weight and early puberty, scientists have become convinced that there is at least some link with the obesity epidemic.
I've long wondered how such a continuous and continually moving space might be achieved in architecture. I've become convinced since meeting you that achieving that in architecture is possible.
What we need to really become convienced of the immortality of the soul even if we were convinced, is not the mere suggestion that the soul was around before our birth.
When I see promotions for loans, mortgages, and credit CARDS, I become more convinced to stay out of debt.
He convinced John Sculley to quit PepsiCo and become Apple's CEO by saying "do you want to sell sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world?"
However, no matter how they are marketed or presented, Cook is not convinced they will ever become more than a novelty.
During my travels and conversations over the past few weeks, I have become ever more convinced that I have inherited a strong Organization.
There is no sign yet that Western pressure has convinced Mr Khamenei to abandon his plans, vociferously endorsed by Mr Ahmadinejad, for Iran to become a big producer of nuclear fuel.
If Leo hasn't convinced you to become a vegan yet, the broccoli is also brilliant served with some crispy bacon or a softly poached egg.
If Leo hasn't convinced you to become a vegan yet, the broccoli is also brilliant served with some crispy bacon or a softly poached egg.