Standing at around 30 centimeters in diameter, the burger king contains three kilos of beef and more than 13, 000 calories - almost the amount an average man should consume in a week.
Zhao Fuqiao was a coarse man, but he was rich, because he made so much money selling beef.
For the man in your life, you should try to smell like lipstick, baby lotion, or a roast beef dinner.
Now that he has recovered his poise after the beef fiasco, his supporters argue that Mr Lee is just the man for the job.
God then gave lean beef so that man and woman might consume fewer calories and still satisfy their appetite.
A man from Wanrong and a Pingyao then met on a train blew the leather, the people of Pingyao said: "we are the famous Pingyao beef."
So I took a seat, a young man walked to come over and ask me to eat something, so I had a bowl of beef noodles peppers.
Beef Stew is a meaty, hearty meal that will fill a man sized hunger and will build your family strong and healthy.
Beef Stew is a meaty, hearty meal that will fill a man sized hunger and will build your family strong and healthy.