A standard OS would also help researchers focus on a key aspect that so far has been lacking in robotics: reproducibility.
Although these trends have been present for quite some time in the mobile gaming industry, the infrastructure to support these initiatives is still lacking.
From a security features perspective, the capability most lacking in UDDI has been the ability to determine the veracity of data in a registry.
In Georgia, people who have been internally displaced for 15 years continue to live in squalid, overcrowded collective centres lacking insulation from the cold and functioning sewage systems.
As the Park Hyatt is part of a chain, I was worried the hotel would be formulaic and lacking in atmosphere. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Humbled as we are, we might even begin to learn social responsibility, a quality in which we have been singularly lacking up to now.
Something that the Web services community has been lacking is a place where all members in all various roles can come together to discuss testing and other concerns related to Web services.
Web服务社区缺少的内容就是一个地方,将各种角色的成员汇集在一起,来讨论测试和其他与 Web 服务相关的问题。
There have been many studies and formed relatively consistent view in the view of moral educational effectiveness, while lacking the research of moral repayment.
The tourism resource is rich in Xiaokeng national forest park of Guangdong, but there has been some problems such as inadequate exploiting intensity and lacking of local residents participation.
The emergency prevention system has been lacking communication, lacking emergency drills and poor in information communication and the emergency disposal.
It has constantly been made a subject of reproach against artists and men of letters that they are lacking in wholeness and completeness of nature.
I can see girls walking in midnight at the roads and that makes me introspect where India is lacking? I have never heard that any of my friend (international friend) has been a victim of any crime.
What you see around you today is in part your creation, and as a civilisation approaching the changes you are required to play your part in bringing back the Light that has been lacking.
Unfortunately, while Android looks good on paper, in the real world, execution is what counts, and so far Google's has been lacking.
For a long time, the petroleum industrial organization has been lower in efficiency, the result of lacking in market structure of oligopoly.
After the cancellation of agriculture tax, the tax system in China's rural area has been lacking and there is no practical tax administration concerned so far.
Objective: The relation between prenatal smoking and child behavioral problems has been investigated in children of school age and older, but prospective studies in younger children are lacking.
Steel rings made of flat steel wires have been used in full steel loading meridian tyre without inner tyre before 10 years in advanced countries in Europe, such research in China is lacking.
What you see around you today is in part your creation, and as a civilization approaching the changes you are required to play your part in bringing back the Light that has been lacking.
Because lacking technical equipments to guarantee this provision in the past, it has not been treating as"no explosion-proof"that mine switches don't have"biguard".
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) has been widely applied in intelligent computation field, but the theoretical analysis and research works regarding CSA are relatively lacking.
You might find that you have been comparing your life to the lives of others around you, which might leave you feeling that your life is lacking in some way.
My twenties were so lacking in 1 creature comforts that I could have been in a 2 Dickens novel.
My twenties were so lacking in 1 creature comforts that I could have been in a 2 Dickens novel.