Bumper Beeper radio beacon transmitter, hidden in or on a vehicle for use with radio tailing equipment.
If it is enabled, while the power is low, the power LED on the handheld unit flashes 5 times, and the beeper emits 5 beepers for every 10 minutes or 200 scans.
如使能,当手持终端的电源是低电量时,每10分钟或200次扫描,电源指示LED会闪5 下,蜂 鸣器会鸣叫5 声。
If it is enabled, while the power is low, the power LED on the handheld unit flashes 5 times, and the beeper emits 5 beepers for every 10 minutes or 200 scans.
如使能,当手持终端的电源是低电量时,每10分钟或200次扫描,电源指示LED会闪5 下,蜂 鸣器会鸣叫5 声。