The method of determining the Kolbach index of beer malt faster, more accurate and more sensitive were discussed.
German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients – hops, malt, yeast, and water.
Terrie Berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern Dutch town of Zelhem, created a beer for her weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.
In the late 17th century, a tax was introduced on malt, the basic ingredient of beer.
So Terrie Berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern Dutch town of Zelhem, created a beer for her Weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.
所以,兹尔汉姆郡荷兰镇南部的一家宠物店的店主特莉·布兰登,用 麦芽和牛肉汁专为她的威玛猎犬酿制了一种宠物“啤酒”。
SABMiller produces beer for Uganda using cheap local ingredients rather than expensive imported malt.
Glyphosate in malt and beer originated from barley that was treated in the field.
Beer: a fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.
Levels in malt and beer were around 25 and 4% of that in barley.
Beer is a low - alcohol beverage obtained by fermentation of malt.
Zinc ions in beer came from malt, rice, brewing water and wort.
So terrie berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern dutch town of zelhem, created a beer for her weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.
所以,兹尔汉姆郡荷兰镇南部的一家宠物店的店主特莉布兰登,用麦芽和牛肉汁专为她的威玛猎犬酿制了一种宠物「啤酒」 。
Malt modification during malting has significant effect on the quality of malt, brewing and quality of beer.
The main raw materials for beer production included water, malt, hops and yeast.
The foaming protein in malt, bitter substances in hops, and CO2 are the essential factors to develop beer foam.
All above variation will benefit to the malt quality of the beer barley and the work laid the foundation of obtaining the high-quality beer barley.
This paper discussed the design of a new type of hydraulic system of malt lifting box, theselection of basic circuit and the calculation of the main parameters in the beer industry.
A new technology process for beer brewing, in which barley and grain are used to replace malt and enzyme is added, is put forward.
The effects of beer barley and malt microbe on the quality of beer were described. Otherwise the effects of them on the health of human body were discussed.
Brew: To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.
The flavour of beer primarily results from the malt from which it is made.
The addition of part barley instead of barley malt in beer brewing could save production cost and improve wort quality.
Beer raw materials include: malt, wheat malt and burnt malt, black malt, domestic hops and imported hops, hops extract, brewing yeast, beer special disinfectants etc.
Two mash decoction mashing method was used for manufacturing of wort. 50% malt and 50% rice were used as substrates in beer brewing.
In this paper, the quality defects and fermentation characters of domestic malt were pointed out. The improvement and optimization measures for beer production with domestic malt were also discussed.
In this paper, the quality defects and fermentation characters of domestic malt were pointed out. The improvement and optimization measures for beer production with domestic malt were also discussed.