It will destroy jobs and safety: Once public assets are in private hands, the drive for profits will come before all else.
Knowledge of these regulations will help an American businessman focus his limited time on taking care of business before all else.
The construction, before all else, is a projective intellectual undertaking: the drawing organizes the production and elucidates the creation.
For we mean to say that man primarily exists - that man is, before all else, something which propels itself towards a future and is aware that it is doing so.
Farther on they met Edmund coming toward them on the path. Though he was thin and weak, Edmund embraced his brother. "I was a fool to let my love of hunt come before all else," he said.
If all else fails, initiate a massive argument before you go to sleep, so your partner won't want to be anywhere near you.
Before I do anything else, let's see how db4o would respond to a query that looked for all the Brians in the database right now.
And before knowing whether the man had stolen, killed his father, or was merely a nonconformist, they would say: "The poor fellow, " or else, with a hint of admiration: "He's a pirate, all right."
在真相大白,弄清到底这人犯了偷窃之罪,还是有弑父之恶,或者仅仅是个违规者之前,他们会说:“可怜的家伙啊!” ,再不就是略有些钦羡,“不错,他是个海盗。”
I was also an early Samuel R. Delany fan, and read all his novels before anyone else had heard of him or was paying any attention to him.
Else I would have run to him, and bid him kiss me now, before all the people; even as he did yonder among the dark old trees.
Alternatively, we could bin all this legislation, discreetly and globally, before anybody else winds up in court.
And there was probably no one else who could make electronic sounds so lusciously melodic (as in “Kontakte”, of 1959-60), by sheer contrast with all the rattling and plicking that had gone on before.
If you look beyond the computers that lie between a spammer and his mark, you can see all the classic techniques of a con-man: buy this stock, before everyone else does.
It ought to go without saying that planning your revision timetable must be done before anything else, to ensure there is enough time for comprehensive coverage of all subjects.
What else: Paris-based Archos has been making tablets since we were supposed to call them portable media centers, and the three Archos products in this list all shipped well before the iPad did.
特点:来自巴黎的Archos在开发平板电脑的时候,我们就觉得叫它们移动媒体中心更好,而这里列出的三款 Archos产品都在iPad 发布之前就已经在售了。
Wenger has so many qualities, but above all seems to be his ability to spot talent early and bring it to Arsenal before anyone else has realised its potential.
Parents say: ' Don't see Nicholas Tse as your idol any more because he 's a criminal, ' but contracts have been re-signed before anything else and all of a sudden I have more than 10 scripts in hand.
Now we are faced with the task of construction, and must master all modern knowledge before anything else.
Else I would have run to him, and bid him kiss me now, before all the people, even as he did yonder among the dark old trees.
Thee final question is one that we've all asked ourselves: is it rude to start eating at the table before everyone else has been served?
Of all the items on the list, progress in this is proceeding the fastest and may run us into the Singularity before anything else.
Or anyone else involved, we too want to break free of all constraints before it can issue from the soul cries.
As he prostrates himself before them, cried continually: "o mighty garments, you are esteemed above all else in this world..."
First of all before I say anything else, I must say that if the guy has sent such SMS to the lady then it is really a shameful act and I appologize to the lady.
The final question is one that we've all asked ourselves: is it rude to start eating at the table before everyone else has been served?
Before answering the phone feeling all others envy somebody else business can many, now also telephone constantly, but always in pay.
Before answering the phone feeling all others envy somebody else business can many, now also telephone constantly, but always in pay.