My biology teacher, Mr. White, came to the classroom five minutes before the class began.
Readings must be completed before the class number noted.
It is called before the class body is evaluated, as Listing 3 shows.
In this code sequence, the attributes before the class declaration do most of the exposing.
I realized why he slipped into the office oddly before the class — It was nothing but his tricks!
Don't eat anything two hours before the class and you may eat little half an hour after the class.
During the last few minutes, before the class was over, the students observed the combustion of MgO.
Jack: Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. You need to complete some forms before the class.
Confirmed by the client, formal contract will be signed between both parties before the class started.
Be sure to let your instructor know about any orthopedic problems or special needs you may have before the class begins.
The materials under the Required Reading category for each session have been assigned to be read and evaluated carefully before the class.
This property acquires its value once, before the class event handlers or any instance handlers are invoked, and is never adjusted past this point.
In this example, the declarative call is placed directly before the class definition, specifying that this permission be applied to the class level.
Please come 5 minutes early before the class, so that you can do some exercises for warm up the body. when the class start 15minutes you can't enter.
And unsurprisingly — since I announced this was going to be the result before the class had barely gotten started — I don't think any of these arguments work.
"This happens during our working hours, so when I exercise here, it's like I'm working at the same time," she said, tying her hair back before the class started.
Dear Lilei, I'm glad to hear from you. Now, I'd like to give you some suggestions about learning English. Learn the textbook and check the dictionary before the class.
However, it is guaranteed to be loaded and to have its fields initialized and its static constructor called before the class is referenced for the first time in your program.
If you want the security check to occur when any member of a particular class is called, you can place a demand before the class so that it applies to every member of the class.
The men, rugged-looking and some of them with flecks of gray in their beards, look daunted but determined as they take turns standing up before the class to read basic sentences off the blackboard.
I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class.
This is a really good topic to do with the class before an exam because it's a little bit of a lighter topic.
First-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the jet-way.
My chemistry teacher Mrs. Louise usually gave us the instruction paper the night before the lab class and let us read it.
The student on duty should hand out the exercise books before class.
Putting up your hand before asking a question helps the class pay attention to the lesson.
Dan's class know Dan is in the hall before they see him.
To keep yourself safe in the P.E. class, you are supposed to stretch before exercising.
To keep yourself safe in the P.E. class, you are supposed to stretch before exercising.