Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday. Just before the dawn, we set out on foot in high spirits.
Ancient magic in the Harry Potter universe is not magic from Before the Dawn of Time.
Then sorrow and crying shall flee away forever, as darkness before the dawn. --Selected.
Harvey Dent: the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you the dawn is coming!
Harvey Dent: the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I Promise You, the dawn is coming!
This would mean humans have been changing global climate since well before the dawn of civilisation.
The end of art is a fresh start of a new life of art, while the dusk of art is right before the dawn art.
But finally, just before the dawn rose in the eastern sky, Rita had convinced him that Woolly was the best choice.
No matter how horrible reality, you have to stubborn to believe that this is only temporary darkness before the dawn.
But that ghost has a stipulation is must the money which wins squander before the dawn, otherwise has killed her entire family.
Before the dawn of the computer age scientists who wished to record the amount of sunshine in any given place had to be inventive.
This is the time when, darkest before the dawn, one can despair easily as one looks around the world and sees how hopeless it seems.
The glass shoes, complicated plot upsurge of characters, thrilling event itself. But, before the dawn of tragedy is already revealed…
Overtired, mentally stalled, he consulted his wrist watch and calculated that there would be time for an hour, or two, of sleep before the dawn.
It is because of the expression_r, just let harry and friends of the action more meaningful, before the dawn, is the most eager to sun encounter horizon moments.
He said there could be energy resources still awaiting discovery, and that the moon could help in the study of the state of the Earth and universe before the dawn of humanity.
Silver: Before the dawn of antibiotics, silver was used on the skin as an antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and internally to treat epilepsy, gonorrhea and tropical sprue.
My father had gone to Nashville, intending to return the next afternoon. Something prevented his accomplishing the business in hand, so he returned on the same night, arriving just before the dawn.
Then, a couple of months later, one morning in the eastern sky just before dawn, Sirius would reappear.
The Catholic Church had its seven daily prayers, one of which was at night, requiring an alarm arrangement to waken monks before dawn.
They don't meet in the daytime; they meet either early before light, at dawn, or after dark, at night.
Peace again! – The exquisite hour before dawn, here at my old desk — seldom have I realized so keenly, appreciated so fully, these still, dark hours.
In the darkest moments before dawn, a woman returns to her bed.
He is said to rise before dawn, well before the rest of his young family, and to start the day with yoga exercises.
据说他在黎明破晓之前就起床了。- - -大大早于他年轻家庭中的其他成员,然后用瑜伽来开始这一天。
Dozens of jeeps carrying masked Israeli commandos rolled into the West Bank town of Nablus before dawn and surrounded the homes of three Palestinian gunmen.
Most skywatchers think of Scorpius as a summer constellation (in the Northern Hemisphere), but early risers get a preview of the Scorpion climbing the southeastern sky before dawn during winter.
He is back at his home at the North Pole before dawn on Christmas morning, tired but very happy after his very speedy sweep around the world.
Angolans turned out to vote early Friday forming long lines before dawn outside the country's 14, 000 voting stations.
Gaza residents said troops were seen before dawn Sunday in the town of Beit Lahiya, north of Gaza city, and the sound of intense fighting could be heard just east of the city.
Gaza residents said troops were seen before dawn Sunday in the town of Beit Lahiya, north of Gaza city, and the sound of intense fighting could be heard just east of the city.