It's interesting that he sent me the book twenty days before the deadline for my book.
I wonder if we could get someone to review our work for us a few days before the deadline so we can make some final changes.
Without your help, we couldn't have finished the assignment before the deadline.
My working hours are very flexible. I only have to turn in my work before the deadline.
Their talks came a day before the deadline that negotiators had set to reach a nuclear deal.
'I wasn't told that this was rushed, but I'll do my best to get it to you before the deadline.'
If I were better qualified, I would submit another application for that job before the deadline.
There's not enough time left before the deadline for a revote to be held, so Sweden will abstain.
Before the deadline, you may submit at any time while the updated file will replace the old one.
Applications to Oxford and Cambridge close in October - before the deadline for other universities.
No matter how/However difficult the task is, we will try our bestto complete it before the deadline.
The final bulletin sounds really good, and they finished with 10 minutes to spare before the deadline.
The scholarship winners must register at the host institutes before the deadline set by the institutes.
The final Camera-Ready copies of the accepted papers must be uploaded online strictly before the deadline.
Respond to Action Items. After the meeting, be sure to complete any tasks assigned to you before the deadline.
Exhibitors should send the completed form together with the payment to the Organizer on or before the deadline.
Her loving husband did not know that he would die. He always liked to do things very promptly, long before the deadline.
The newspaper journalists have to write out the story before the deadline and it must contain all the correct information.
Sign-up designers should hand in all required sign-up documents and a conceptual proposal to the Host before the deadline.
A campaign creator sets a target number of people who need to sign up to support a message before the deadline comes around.
Indeed, the tax seems likely to have prompted some foreign buyers to walk away from deals agreed, but not completed, before the deadline.
Regarding the timing for the new farm bill, Harkin said he saw "no reason why we can't get it done before the deadline" (the end of 2007).
He now realized that Murphy's Law had predicted that something other than the risks he'd predicted would go wrong, just before the deadline.
IReporter DE Villeneuve said she suspects many people in the city were trying to use whatever remaining fireworks they had before the deadline.
But as the U.S. has never fallen into debt default in its history, analysts believe the White House and Congress will reach consensus before the deadline.
In the end, I finished this image literally just a few minutes before the deadline passed in my timezone. The image ended up winning first prize, nice!
In the end, I finished this image literally just a few minutes before the deadline passed in my timezone. The image ended up winning first prize, nice!