Talks between Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's government and the chiefs of the German energy industry were to begin at 8:30 pm.
The party will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
"Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end, and then stop."
Events begin at 11am; banquet at 7.30pm.
Row and column indices begin at 1. Listing 9 illustrates how it works.
The opening ceremony of the 2008 games will begin at 8.08pm on August 8th.
This example shows how you can request a timer to begin at a certain date and time.
You'll need to log in to get the best scripts, so begin at the home page to do that.
Flower farms on the edge of Lake Naivasha, growing roses for Europe, begin at the park gates.
However, recent research suggests that slight IQ reductions may begin at blood levels below 50.
And so her days begin at 7am, on her treadmill, and end hunched over her files late at night.
The UDDI-specific elements begin at line 4, where the
特定于UDDI 的元素开始于第 4行,在这一行里,
With this overview of how the program works, let's begin at the beginning with the declarations section.
Serge insists that we begin at once – he gives me the carfare to get out to Suresnes in the evening.
If you selected a start date for a time in the future, the deployment process will begin at the specified time.
If I break you in, I'll be doing plenty of your work at first. Suppose you begin at thirty, an 'work up to the forty.
And here's another interesting statistic - 68% of online purchases begin at a search engine or shopping comparison site.
In fact, some who begin at the more severely affected end of the spectrum can become higher functioning as they grow and learn.
The total cost of the FDA's tobacco regulations will begin at $85 million a year and rise to over $700 million in ten years.
AppleInsider will have full live coverage of today's "Back to the Mac" event, scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Pacific, 1 p.m. Eastern.
The so-called Wenzhou rate (after the most famous city for this sort of finance) is said to begin at 18% and can even exceed 200%.
In a good month, she'll make about $225 — that's roughly 14,000 pieces sewn during shifts that begin at 8 a.m. and don't end until 10:30 p.m.
Medvedev says the company assumes such obstacles will not be created, and the transit of gas from Russia to Ukraine can begin at 8:00 a.m.
The Sydney Observatory said the eclipse was to begin at 3:25 a.m. Thursday (1:25 p.m. EDT, 5:25 p.m. GMT Wednesday) and last until after 5 a.m.
We begin at the Santa Fe Trail, or what remains of it. The ground still shows the path cut deep into the earth by the wheels of thousands of wagons.
When the bzImage (for an i386 image) is invoked, you begin at ./arch/i386/boot/head.S in the start assembly routine (see Figure 3 for the major flow).
当bzImage(用于i386映像)被调用时,我们从./arch/i386/boot/head.S 的start汇编例程开始执行(主要流程图请参看图3)。
Tomorrow's hearing will begin at 9am Austrian time, and is expected to be conducted in Chambers as more of Elisabeth's video evidence is played to court.
However, in real time, the universe will appear to begin at the Big Bang, "Hawking said, referring to the explosion thought to be at the origin of the universe."
Dinner guests will also be entertained by flamenco and paso doble dances, two renowned Spanish cultural performances that begin at 6:30 PM throughout the buffet promotion.
The XML specification practically requires parsers to begin at the first byte of an XML document and continue parsing until the end, and all existing parsers operate like this.
XML规范特别要求解析器从 XML文档的第一个字节开始解析直到最后一个字节,所有现有的解析器都是这样操作的。