At the beginning of class, the teacher called from a list of names, expecting you to reply when she called yours.
You added this extension point as a dependency of the BuddyNote plug-in at the beginning of the article, and you defined the associated class as BuddyNoteMessageHandlerAdapter.
You never know when someone might use your class in a worst-case scenario, like the one that is described at the beginning of this article.
This class takes a name as a parameter and returns the name with Hello tacked onto the beginning of the name.
上面这个类接收一个作为参数的name,在 name 的前面加上Hello,然后返回这个 name。
Let's say that at the beginning of the day you have a class called BusinessProcess whose job is to, well, execute a business process. Along the way, it needs to access data from a data source.
There are a number of special guests, they are the beginning of the 0809 class of the girls, give us a modern dance.
It is ideal to do this at the beginning of a practice session, but class schedules and afternoon LABS often make this difficult.
Wednesday we took a look at our New English Zone Books to see what we will be covering beginning next week. We also went over some basic class rules.
Grain length, where the power of Class a semi-official role in the beginning and the elderly have similar functions.
Russia appears to be rising from the economic doldrums and a new Russian middle class is beginning to emerge.
A two-paragraph summary of each paper should be turned in at the beginning of each class.
At the beginning of the semester, you should pick a week in which you will make a presentation summarizing the week's readings and teeing up issues for class discussion.
We sit for a few minutes in Sukhasana at the beginning of class to create a receptive mind before beginning our yoga practice.
It's very interesting to understand... When I teach a survival class, one of the things I do is, right at the beginning of the class I put a velvet bag over people's head.
New players will have to wait months to try a class they may have wanted from the beginning.
Beginning from the observation of one physical education class, the proceeded from a specific problem, sought a solution to it step by knowledge.
If this is the first step in the beginning of a new class of motherboards catering specifically to overclockers, one can only imagine what might be seen down the road.
A two paragraph summary of each paper should be turned in at the beginning of each class for papers presented that day.
A two paragraph summary of each paper should be turned in at the beginning of each class for papers presented that day.