On its Web site, the White House Budget Office says the program to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.
The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.
If they have utilized all available resources and are still behind schedule, they will turn to reducing the feature list of the project while still optimizing value to the customer.
Since then, he says the reconstruction process has moved forward - albeit slightly behind schedule.
With development always behind schedule projects would reach the deadline and be released untested to users.
The personnel moves come as the effort to build and fly a prototype, unmanned jet combat aircraft from an aircraft carrier has fallen months behind schedule.
Almost a year later, the situation has barely improved: a new digital radio network for London's underground, for example, is running behind schedule.
However, the majority of DRDO projects are behind schedule, bringing criticism from the end-users, the Indian defense forces.
Is Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, guilty of becoming a prisoner of its own hype, and unable to revert to some kind of commonsenical schedule that would reflect the correct state of affairs?
If you are behind schedule and a test case breaks, you must fix it quickly or it will become a mere sparkle in the history of your development effort.
If the Dreamliner starts rolling off the production line towards the end of this year, as Boeing promises, it will be billions over budget and three years behind schedule.
These initial builds were painful: we had problems with our configuration management; some details at the subsystem interface level had been missed; and some subsystems were slightly behind schedule.
If the team is late on item number 3, it is an simple effort to identify that the LDAP server has not been built out yet, and to measure how far it will put you behind schedule.
For all the fine talk of heritage funds, the oil bills are behind schedule; none has yet been put to Parliament.
The reactor that Areva is building in Finland might have dispelled worries about the commercial viability of new plants, were it not behind schedule and over budget itself.
Spaceflight dropped off the front pages - though on Saturday, all will report the successful launching of the Atlantis, at 11:29 a.m. Eastern time Friday, two and a half minutes behind schedule.
And on the horizon is the 2012 Olympics, for which security planning has fallen behind schedule.
A high-speed line between Kunming and Shanghai is months behind schedule because officials are now making safety a high priority, according to interviews with subcontractors working on the project.
Cultural differences tend to add complexities; for example, the norm in some regions is always to assert success, even when a project has fallen weeks behind schedule.
Four of his elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule.
But if we don't have short-term goals and milestones already plotted along the way, we're not really sure if we're behind or ahead of schedule.
A friend of mine said to me the other day that she is "behind schedule" because at 34 she is not married and does not have children.
What the press release actually said was that some of TEPCO's periodic equipment checks were behind schedule, said the spokesman.
I think one of the first anti-patterns was described by Fred Brooks, who observed that adding more people to a project that is behind schedule causes it to fall further behind. 3.
The new plane was successfully launched, with over 150 orders so far and at least 50 more to come at the Paris air show, which opens on June 13th (though the plane is six months behind schedule).
The plane is already two and a half years behind schedule and has cost Boeing billions of dollars in penalties.
The plane is already two and a half years behind schedule and has cost Boeing billions of dollars in penalties.