She didn't like to be beholden to anyone.
These investors were, directly or indirectly, beholden to the Banks.
That's a model I don't subscribe to and one I don't want to be beholden to.
As we move into a new Millennium, abounding of us have much to be beholden for.
Besides, that's only just a show of something for you to do, that you midn't feel beholden. '.
To use our smart phones, most of us are still beholden to pieces of plastic known as SIM CARDS.
But with an estimated two-thirds of reserves in U. S. assets, still very much beholden to Washington.
But without a raptor's sharply honed sense for the gravity-defying updrafts, humans are beholden to chance.
A man's qualities are those which, like birds' nests, are hid from view in summer, but easily beholden in winter.
Global deal makers are also finding themselves beholden to a handful of young technocratsatits anti- monopoly bureau.
If the designer implements his own designs, he is beholden to two different goals: Clean code and great user experience.
It is you the people who are beginning to call the tune, and no longer beholden to those who believe they hold the power.
Only companies of a certain size are beholden to the FMLA, which offers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period.
PC makers are somewhat beholden to the product cycles of Microsoft and are seen as just that, PC makers — not consumer device makers.
Marnie: Well, I believe that we have invested in building a community of participants who are beholden to one another and not to use.
Marnie: Well, I believe that we have invested in building a community of participants who are beholden to one another and not to use.
"Work habits began to constrain vacation habits," he said. "we became more beholden to work and that drove vacation around weekends."
Along the way, he encounters a giant eagle and serpent beholden to the god Utu and struggles against incredible odds to seize upon the magical plant.
The DOT's objection to Mr Reid, a respected veteran in the industry, because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome.
There was something in her closet for everyone, yet she was beholden to no designer - free of any specific allegiance to, or association with, a brand.
But like their brethren in the pig, poultry and cattle industries, dairy farmers say they are beholden to a few big processors-dean Foods top among them.
At least you do not take us for gods, as do the dogs, and the more am I humbly beholden to you for this little service of recognition — and something more.
We weren't our own men, we were beholden to a particularly narrow model of what men should be, and men who didn't fit that model were punished, often brutally.
Just as customers used to be locked into computer-makers' software, so too were they later beholden to certain applications and upgrades from software vendors.
Several of the technocrats who presided over Dubai’s boomtime borrowing have been sidelined. The people now in charge may feel less beholden to Dubai’s creditors.
Several of the technocrats who presided over Dubai’s boomtime borrowing have been sidelined. The people now in charge may feel less beholden to Dubai’s creditors.