Many sensation-seekers choose jobs that involve risk, such as starting a new business or being an emergency room doctor.
The accidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.
艺术家们,比如法国画家 Degas,很快模仿堪的派摄影师们获得这些意外效果。
Most people remember only a few events—usually ones that were meaningful and distinctive, such as being hospitalized or a sibling's birth.
Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.
All things grown ups tell you such as being polite, and being well dressed are very important.
Even if precisely measured, income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being, such as the hours of work needed to earn that income.
I suspect that some experts in the field will be keen to address alternative explanations, such as unassessed variables playing a role in the well-being decline.
Social media can certainly be an escape from the daily grind, but we must be cautioned against the negative effects, such as addiction, on a person's overall psychological well-being.
It does not include important factors such as environmental quality or education outcomes–all things that contribute to a person's sense of well-being.
Some critics will point out subjects such as Art or Music and label them as being frivolous and time-wasting.
At the end of the day, the zookeeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction as a gorilla.
Taichi carries traditional Chinese philosophy, such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness.
This object representation contains details of the video being requested, such as its URL, author, provider, and title.
But also keep on doing things you normally would such as being with friends, caring for your pet, working out, or doing your schoolwork.
New species are constantly being discovered, however, such as the ones pictured in this slideshow, collected during the recent Census of Marine Life.
Human beings like to think of themselves as possessing unique capabilities such as being able to use tools, employ a language with syntactic rules and process complex mathematical equations.
Do you think, just setting the word aside, is there still a stigma relating to physical limitations such as being an amputee?
Injuries such as broken limbs and head injuries caused by the physical impact of people being washed into debris such as houses, trees and other stationary items are common.
Acts of helping the ill spouse were defined as' active, 'such as assisting with feeding, bathing, dressing, or other physical activities, or' passive, 'such as being present in case of emergency.
There are also many benefits to being a minimalist such as reducing your impact on the environment by buying less, using less and being more efficient with your energy usage.
Subjective well-being reports converge with other methods of well-being measurement, such as the reports of partners, daily mood ratings and clinical interviews.
They will correspond to real system artifacts being delivered, such as services, processes, or user interface components.
There are several possibilities being researched at present, such as electric, gas turbine, and "steam" engines.
They believe that as humans evolved, qualities such as being fittest and strongest were usurped by other qualities -such as offering a helping hand in bringing up the children.
For many sites, a sitemap is simply a way of being friendly to robots such as search engines.
Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only for a day!
A lot of stuff can be learned while you're still in a job and being paid, such as understanding your accounts, learning industry terminology and locating the best contacts.
Rare earth metals are scarce minerals that have particular properties, such as being magnetic or shining in low light.
They believe that as humans evolved, qualities such as being fittest and strongest were usurped by other qualities - such as offering a helping hand in bringing up the children.
They believe that as humans evolved, qualities such as being fittest and strongest were usurped by other qualities - such as offering a helping hand in bringing up the children.