They were being pitched into a new adventure in which they would have to fight the whole world.
The man who wrote this entry was called Ford Prefictor, and he was in a world far from being called harmless.
The sharp hit to growth predicted around the world and in the UK could lead to a decline in the everyday services we depend on for our well-being and for growth.
In addition to being a repository for textbooks covering a wide range of subjects and educational levels, its ethic is taken from the digital music world.
In recent decades, our "love affair" with the car is being exported directly to the developing world, and it is increasingly apparent that this transfer is leading to disaster.
He then asked people around the world to indicate what emotions were being depicted in photographs.
It's widely believed that being curious about the world is the greatest motivation in learning.
In the real world, problems rarely come neatly packaged, so being able to discern their deep structure is key.
California also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world.
More than a century of mechanization has already turned farming into an industrial-scale activity in much of the world, with farms that grow cereals being the most heavily automated.
Nowadays, there are still millions of children in the world being exposed to wars and conflicts.
Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can't escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never married, alcoholic mothers.
For example, Liu was never satisfied with being the fastest 110-meter hurdler in the world.
Nothing in the world is better than being with my family at Christmas time.
Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world.
So in 2015, the World Health Organization announced that the names of viruses should be easy to remember but avoid being named after places, people, animals and foods.
In no time, I was thrown into a feeling of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world and could not help crying my heart out.
There were no karma points for being the best in the world for what he did and being an inspiration to all who saw him, knew of him, came into contact with him, and understood him.
At a time when many Europeans fret about being ignored in the world, this would be an historic mistake.
My orphanages Organization tracks the names, locations, and population of children being served through orphanages in the world.
There are now data on the effect of income on well-being almost everywhere in the world.
If you're in the game to make money does winning mean being the richest man in the world?
For him, working and bonding with other flesh-and-blood men and women was the most satisfying way of being in the world.
The result is that consumer trends in China are being felt in models sold around the world.
All in all, being the last smoker in the world has not changed my life too much.
The answer lies in practicing and mastering an attitude of being in touch with the outside world.
The idea of a “harmonious world” depends on China being a participant in the world order and, along with others, acting in accordance with the rules of that order.
Being the only thing in the world that wasn't violet, he was caught and put in a cage.
Being the only thing in the world that wasn't violet, he was caught and put in a cage.