THE final frontier is being assaulted by a couple of troubling pioneers.
But gold farmland one Geng help but don't think this thing to be taken away while being assaulted.
Vladimir Neklyaev, a poet and candidate, was taken to jail from a hospital bed after being assaulted.
Former Liverpool striker Djibril Cisse has vowed to quit Greek football after being assaulted by fans.
The structure is in conformity to , and escape from being assaulted by viper and poisonous grass on the hill.
The surface realm is being assaulted like never before by the dark cabal, which puts enormous extra pressure on her to begin her massive shift.
Saint Anthony once wrote about having gone into the desert on silent re-treat and being assaulted by all manner of visions—devils and angels, both.
The end of a serious relationship, neighbours from hell, office politics, being assaulted and physical health problems all took their toll, and I began to crumble.
You can imagine prizing open Nintendo's finest artists heads and being assaulted by streams of colourful invention, pirouetting toward the sky like a hyperactive jack-in-the-box.
In addition to the daily burden of carrying heavy water loads, they run the risk of being physically assaulted when seeking water.
There are numerous cases of hostesses being stalked, assaulted, and sometimes even killed, by disgruntled customers who wanted more than the fantasy.
On reaching the north side of the substation Tsang was dumped on the ground and immediately assaulted by the defendants, with D7 being the first one to kick Tsang.
On reaching the north side of the substation Tsang was dumped on the ground and immediately assaulted by the defendants, with D7 being the first one to kick Tsang.