And being late amounts to more than a few wasted minutes.
The five most common themes are falling, being chased, feeling paralysed, being late and the death of a loved one.
Later, the participants were asked questions about their relationships, particularly how they would respond to a partner's bad behavior, like being late and forgetting to call.
In late December 2013, a video created by him was his first experience to prevent electric motorcar from being stolen.
Remember the colloquial phrase to describe being a little bit late, especially if someone is busy, or something is delaying them, such as traffic, e.g.
Think of how much interest you save. Being late on a single payment increases your interest rate.
Extremely late, German consumers are being introduced to digital video recorders, high-definition pictures and video-on-demand-areas in which pay-TV companies have a big advantage.
By the late 18th century it was being hailed as a wonder-food-for the poor, at least.
Even if you have a good reason for being late, the interviewer will make assumptions about your level of organization and how you treat others.
Losing a loved one, being chased by a monster or running hopelessly late for a vital appointment - it's all the stuff of nightmares.
So, again, let me thank my colleagues, let me apologize for being a little late in coming to this important meeting.
Lengthy planning and re-planning typically resulted in a shortened development phase, which in turn resulted in the development phase being consistently frantic and reliably late.
I finally learned to go to bed and finish a task in the morning instead of staying up late and fooling myself into thinking I was being productive.
After being late for his wife's funeral, Morse made it his mission to find a way to make long-range communication possible.
Our nightmares may reflect our waking concerns, with the five most common themes falling, being chased, feeling paralysed, being late, and the death of a loved one.
For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.
Senge's ideas have been criticised as being "utopian", the fruits of a man who spent the late 1960s at a university in California and who has dabbled subsequently in eastern philosophies.
Taking a decision as late as possible would help avoid the widely respected Mr. Trichet being seen as a lame duck.
After about a week of being off line, I returned late one night to check mail.
Watching the clock, the risk of being very late for my business meeting was looming large. This was not a good situation.
Once upon a time, parents worried about their kids being out late at night getting into trouble.
On the other hand, most of the Spring.NET code is still in a pre-release state, with only the core DI container and AOP being officially released in late 2005.
The reason we think of a prince as being the son of a king or queen is that in the late 1200s king Edward I invaded Wales and the Welsh king was killed.
But while PC processors remain Intel's biggest moneymaker, the company is often criticized for being unfashionably late (okay, a no-show) to the fast-growing smartphone and tablet market.
Growing up in the Scottish town of Hamilton in the late 1990s, Anna and her friends had to be indoors by 9pm or risk being ordered into the back of a police car and delivered home.
Growing up in the Scottish town of Hamilton in the late 1990s, Anna and her friends had to be indoors by 9pm or risk being ordered into the back of a police car and delivered home.