Sorry, I didn't mean to lose my tamper. I just can't stand being misunderstood.
Kant said that he is not worried about being proved wrong, but worried about being misunderstood.
That's why I sound inconsistent even to the point of being misunderstood with my stupid philosophy.
She, like most women, probably has been in such a situation where she herself is being misunderstood.
Those bold enough to try selling their books to lowerclassmen might run the risk of being misunderstood.
In this week's Green Room, he says it is vital to prevent climate science being misunderstood or misused.
There might be some trouble and worries in your life such as failing in a test being misunderstood by others and so on.
I guess that's my best tip - if you're worried about the tone being misunderstood, it's best to have the conversation orally.
Joyce, he adds, was an awkward man who enjoyed being misunderstood and "liked the disrespect with which he was treated in Ireland."
"Joyce, he adds, was an awkward man who enjoyed being misunderstood and" liked the disrespect with which he was treated in Ireland.
Sometimes pastors are afraid to preach on this topic for the fear of being misunderstood that they or the church needs money.
If you know English, you can communicate with foreigners and you can make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.
Mercury also rules communication, so the chances of being misunderstood by your present-day friends may increase - be careful.
It comes from an irrational but powerful fear of being alone-of being misunderstood or abandoned by people we count on the most.
I found it very hard to watch the nature of the Christ energy being misunderstood frequently, even by my closest friends or disciples.
If anyone chooses to do the miser friends or trusted selfish and coward false friendship, who has the possibility of being misunderstood.
Everything you write there's always something you're sorry you put in, either because you're afraid of being misunderstood, or out of shame.
Being misunderstood my colleagues, and later through proper communication and interpretation was successfully resolve this misunderstanding.
The patient may have had a bad experience with caregivers, fear being misunderstood, or believe that the evaluator can't handle his or her problems.
We continued to practice gesture through a few miming activities and learned that precision is extremely important, or you chance being misunderstood.
CancerMonday through Wednesday, you don't particularly feel like engaging with the rest of the world. It's all so exhausting and the possibility of being misunderstood is great.
SAL9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.
为避免招致误解,SAL 9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”,“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。
SAL9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.
为避免招致误解,SAL 9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”,“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。