To amp up the look even more add a bejewelled hairpin clip on one side of the hairline.
The proceeds of the sale of the bejewelled Barbie will go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
In Egypt magazines such as Hijab Fashion have proliferated, along with shops selling bejewelled and beribboned scarves.
In Egypt magazines such as Hijab Fashion have proliferated, along with shops selling bejewelled and be ribboned scarves.
The bejewelled Palace Shahjahan's two biggest passions were architecture and jewellery and both are reflected in the Taj Mahal.
All these fragrant woods were laden onto bejewelled wagons, which shone in such various colours as blue, yellow, red, and white.
"Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence" begins with a captivating bejewelled camel (pictured below) with "blackamoor" attendants.
There is plenty to see inside – including gilt palanquins and bejewelled daggers – but it is the view of the city spread out below that is sublime.
He made a series of collages using photographs of Hirst's skull, some of which imposed the bejewelled sculpture over the faces of figures taken from other photographs.
Moguls in designer suits-their fortunes amassed in the wake of the Soviet collapse-parked their Bentleys, BMWs, and Mercedeses and ascended the steps with their bejewelled wives.
Christmas came in extravagant fashion to the Muslim desert emirate of Abu Dhabi as a glitzy hotel unveiled a bejewelled Christmas tree valued at more than 11 million dollars on Wednesday.
Some spying in the queue to the restrooms offered as good an indication as any. The coiffed, bejewelled visitors could speak of little other than Japan and their fears of a nuclear meltdown.
But when it came back, hull have been attacked by wind erosion sail into the bejewelled children break. It has so much like a vagrant of the prodigal son, to the frivolous wind wanton bullying!
But when it came back, hull have been attacked by wind erosion sail into the bejewelled children break. It has so much like a vagrant of the prodigal son, to the frivolous wind wanton bullying!