BELIEVE IT OR NOT you can make the dancer spin CLOCKWISE if you concentrate hard enough!
When we think of holidays, a lot of people immediately associate this with going abroad, but believe it or not you don't actually need to jump on a plane to have an amazing time.
Afterwards of course say you are sorry and that you were only joking, this will make you happy and believe it or not you could actually make they shy person feel more confident about them selves.
Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonalds's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese.
Your parents are really super smart! You won't be able to fool them! Believe it or not, your brain never stops working.
Yes they are gifted, driven and successful (in some ways) but believe it or not, they’re no better than you.
Once you've done that once or twice and you decide to stick with it, you are sticking with it not because you are chasing adrenaline, it's because you believe what you are doing is important.
The very fact that you are seeking to find what you love to do (by the very fact you came across this article and started reading it) is a BIG step believe it or not.
不管你相信与否, 你正在寻找你喜欢做什么的事实就是一个巨大的一步(通过遇到这篇文章并阅读它的事实).
Is it really the situation or the person, or is it because they are not behaving in a way you believe they should behave?
Some of you may do nothing at all. Believe it or not, there are millionaires and billionaires among us who masquerade as relatively normal, money-conscious people.
Whether or not you find the no branching rule hard to believe, if both views are stuck with it,well,then we're stuck with it.
You might say, I'll leave that problem — are souls spatially located or not — to be worked out by those who believe in it.
Even if you do not believe in living your life by the list it is still a great way to clear your mind of unnecessary information and make sure that you do not forget any important tasks or dates.
Believe it or not there are people out there who could benefit greatly from you sharing your talents.
Begin by apologizing if you believe you did something to offend or hurt the person, even if you're not sure what it is.
Believe it or not, it will do you good. The yeasts are good for softening and soothing the skin.
There's a good reason you won't see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant.
Believe it or not, these two elements are all you need to build a calendar application that can manage recurring events.
Believe it or not, having a personal trainer is a team effort and you will build a strong relationship over the months.
Believe it or not, a man needs to talk to so it's best you listen with an open mind and not try to interrupt.
When you notice a negative or non-affirming thought in your head consciously decide to change it. Do not worry if at first you do not believe your new positive thought as overtime that will change.
Your mom has told you a million times and, believe it or not, she's not just saying it to nag-she actually has good reasons.
I believe it's not even possible to have that much RAM, or maybe it is, but then you must have a huge simm module of about 8gb RAM.
You see the reason you don't take the time to talk to new people is not only because of fear of rejection but it is because you are using your head too much.. YES that's right believe it or not.
So let's now turn to Newton's universal law of gravity, and believe it or not, I think I even give you on the exam the gravitational force of Newton's universal law of gravity.
Whether you believe the experiment shows what it purports to or not, there is no doubting that Milgram's work was some of the most influential and impressive carried out in psychology.
Believe it or not, look around yourself and you can easily find one or two of these stuffs.
Believe it or not. There's someone out there who is hoping to meet the people like you.
Believe it or not, we understand that it is difficult to learn a foreign language and appreciate the efforts you make to speak in ours.
We sincerely believe this is going to be a great chance for you to demonstrate your true talent - not how much knowledge you have or how good your academic performance is, it is about what you can do!