Even so, Manzella said he believes China will eventually allow its currency to fluctuate over a greater range than it does now.
But he rejected that approach, in part because he believes China is still dozens of years away from catching up with the U. S. militarily.
Mr Cai believes China has already reached this “Lewisian turning-point” and that its arrival can be seen in more assertive workers and wage rises.
Mr Cai believes China has already reached this "Lewisian turning-point" and that its arrival can be seen in more assertive workers and wage rises.
Over the next 10 years, GM believes China will grow by another 12.7 million units — in effect adding another market the size of the U.S., and that GM's share will rise along with it.
To learn the true meaning of it among Chinese people, he started his trip in May, 2018. Simon believes that riding across China is natural.
China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries.
China believes that differences should and can be settled in the spirit of mutual respect and mutual trust.
China always believes that unity of the Security Council is crucial for the comprehensive, long-term and appropriate solution of the Iranian nuclear issue.
He said that China believes bilateral trade and economic cooperation is bound to deliver even more fruitful achievements under the concerted efforts of both sides.
China believes that ours is a world of diversity, and this is particularly true of the Asia-Pacific region.
China stays committed to the "dual-track strategy" and believes that negotiations and dialogues are the best solutions to the Iranian nuclear issue.
He said that he believes the China-Africa cooperation Forum will open up new areas, add new content and bring new vitality into the cooperation between the China and Africa.
I'm a realist who believes in a win-win relationship with China.
“China believes that this matter will be resolved properly through joint efforts and mutual cooperation,” the letter said.
He believes that it is essential for the world's new generation of leaders to have better knowledge and understanding on China.
In a few days the second meeting of the China-Spain Forum will be held, and he believes that the meeting will help both sides to further enhance understanding and broaden cooperation.
In a few days the second meeting of the China-Spain Forum will be held, and he believes that the meeting will help both sides to further enhance understanding and broaden cooperation.