On a bell curve, the timid and the reckless are the outliers.
Tom Gerds said pet owners mirror the bell curve of household demographics.
A normal distribution is the classic bell curve that appears so frequently in statistics.
By 2050 it will have fallen below 50m, forming an almost perfect bell curve in one century.
Now let's contrast our bell curve of intermediates with the way that software is developed.
As you can see, the actual TAB use formed a very nice bell curve, skewed to the lower Numbers of tabs.
It is the bell curve to which investors are referring when they talk about a "nine standard deviation event".
For a nice evenly exposed image, the bars on your histogram should be an evenly distributed wide bell curve.
View your workday as a bell curve: Start with easy, pleasant tasks as you're working on your first (or second) cup of coffee.
View your workday as a bell curve: Start with easy, pleasant tasks as you re working on your first (or second) cup of coffee.
Murray was co-author of the controversial book "The Bell Curve", published in 1994, which explored issues of race and IQ in America.
默里曾与他人合著引起争议的《钟形曲线》(The Bell Curve)(维辑百科;百度知道)一书,该书探讨了美国的种族与智商的问题,并于1994年出版。
The bell curve distribution for IQ scores tells us that two thirds of the world’s population have an IQ somewhere between 85 and 115.
India is like China in 2001, says Ms Vittal. “After two decades of systemic growth, the whole bell curve of income distribution moves to the right.”
Everything conforms to a bell curve and establishing the relevant performance bell curve for an industry is a big part of providing transparency.
In any organisation there's a bell curve of people's abilities, and we know that a small but significant number of people will be at the wrong end of it.
"These figures are always reported as shocking," notes Shirky, as if anything but a nice bell curve were an aberration, but Pareto distributions pop up all over.
The standard statistical approach to risk management is based on a “bell curve” or normal distribution, in which most results are in the middle and extremes are rare.
Whether in an individual coal pit, oil, or gas field, a nation or the planet as a whole, fossil fuel reserves and production tend to follow a bell curve over time.
But financial history is littered with bubbles and crashes, demonstrating that extreme events or so-called "fat tails" occur far more often than the bell curve predicts.
Nevertheless, there's a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.
As the fat part of the bell curve of income inequality moves beyond the middle-class threshold, huge Numbers are lifted out of poverty. Yet many of them are still perilously close to the borderline.
The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a left-skewed bell-shaped curve.
This is the most famous bell-shaped curve, but there are other ones with different mathematics.
3 For many random variables, a good choice is the normal distribution, often represented as a bell-shaped curve, shown in Figure 1.
With upward decreasing grain size the deflection of the self-potential curve also decreases to form a bell-shape.
So it seems there is a bell-shaped curve where small amounts are signaling and very beneficial, while large amounts are damaging and very hurtful.
So it seems there is a bell-shaped curve where small amounts are signaling and very beneficial, while large amounts are damaging and very hurtful.