The best study was done at Bell Labs in New Jersey, a very high IQ place.
Scientists from Bell Labs invented the solar cell in 1954.
Later, he became a celebrated researcher at Bell Labs.
We are going to go to the United States, 1927, Bell Labs.
Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, also of Bell Labs, improved B and called it NB.
汤普逊和丹尼斯·里奇(也是贝尔实验室的)改进了B,起名叫NB 。
Was sometimes known to ride a unicycle down the halls of Bell Labs - while juggling.
A Bell Labs team began developing a research project called "s" back in the mid - '70s.
This was a joint effort of Bell Labs, MIT, and GE to develop a new computer operating system.
At Bell Labs, he devised a way to cool, trap and manipulate individual atoms using lasers.
The genesis of the nanobattery springs from an earlier Bell Labs foray into nanotechnology.
First, get the Plan 9 image from the Bell Labs site, as indicated by the following command line.
Shannon was sometimes known to ride a unicycle down the halls of Bell Labs - while juggling.
Cramer likens it to the discovery of unexpected noise by an antenna at Bell Labs in New Jersey in 1964.
Bell Labs, now a part of France's Alcatel-Lucent, is turning its attention almost entirely towards development.
No, he made the cell phone call to a land line — specifically, to the land line of his chief competitor at Bell Labs.
Then scientists at Bell Labs produced a version that ran on hydrogen peroxide and provided a few seconds of lift.
The Plan 9 operating system was created by Bell Labs in the 1980s as a research operating system and successor to UNIX.
Think how the Bell Labs research engineer must have felt when he heard Cooper calling him from the noisy streets of Manhattan.
AT&T’s Bell Labs and Xerox PARC have left their glorious histories behind them, yet somehow IBM’s research culture has survived.
美国电报电话公司的贝尔实验室和施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox PARC)的辉煌历史已经过去了,但是不知怎的IBM的研究文化却幸存下来。
As a teenager morris had an account on the bell LABS 'computer network where early hacking forays gave him super-user status.
For more on John Chambers' s programming language, check out these links to his publications and various research projects at Bell Labs.
Philip Wadler of Bell Labs coined the term Expression Problem in an unpublished paper that he circulated by email in 1998 (see Resources).
Bell实验室的Philip Wadler在1998年通过电子邮件传阅的未发布的文章中创造了表达式问题这个词(请参考参考资料)。
There is little doubt in my mind that Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and their Bell Labs colleagues who created UNIX are masters of their craft.
According to lore, Smith and Boyle sketched out the design for the ubiquitous imaging device in an hour, over lunch at Bell Labs in October 1969.
The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. — Tom Cargill, object-oriented programming expert at Bell LABS.
The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. — Tom Cargill, object-oriented programming expert at Bell LABS.