All of a sudden, I was cooing belly up, I quickly ran into a star hotel, wow!
But the company ran into hard times and finally went belly up so now I have to find another job.
It's doubtful it can cover the losses it agreed to take under the New Deal without going belly up.
"Gradually," the pig "drum belly up, he was always smiling, looked at me as if to say:" You're terrific!
With the lines rolled up, the kite is immediately thrown into a Turtle (belly up, nose away) for a Lazy Susan rotation.
We also pass two dead whales, belly up on the surface, prompting an irreverent suggestion that we tow them to Svalbard to use as bear bait.
The lower wing is popped to knock the kite into a Turtle(belly up, nose away), and the same line is popped again to perform the rotation .
He then took out more loans to start a new-media and technology company, but he didn't have a clear market in mind; the company went belly up in 2006.
Before my mother and I went to English class, it swam slowly. I thought that it might have eye problem. However, when we came back, it turned its belly up.
But he cleared the harpoon line and let it run slowly through his raw hands and, when he could see, he saw the fish was on his back with his silver belly up.
One day earlier this year, tourists crowded around a tiny pool to hurl bamboo spears at a dozen pitiful catfish, some already floating belly up in 30 centimeters of water.
Mike and Phoebe's ceremony was a classic Friends wedding: as always everything looked like it was going to go belly up, but it ended up beautifully romantic. And in the snow!
Panda a when sleeping, belly up, sometimes, it also with his front PAWS patting belly, and sometimes it will be rolled over, rubbed his front PAWS sleepy eyes, and then stretch.
Unfortunately,this trick is spoiled by his one—track mind.If you pick him up he lies still.But turn him over and he will thrash about wildly,trying to turn himself belly up again.
不幸,这一招被它那想法单一的头脑给搅了。 如果你把它捡起来,它就躺着一动不动;可是如果把它翻过身来,它便会发疯似地到处滚动,竭力让自己再来个肚皮朝天。
The traditional view has been that the main dividends from a start-up going belly up are the acquired wisdom and experience, which can help sharpen the thinking of the entrepreneur.
When that happens, no matter what you do, don't pick him up around the belly.
Hovering briefly over the photographer, feet tucked up beneath its belly, a frigatebird comes in for a landing on Rawaki.
As you reach the end of the second trimester, that little peanut in your belly is beefing up big time.
As you reach the end of the second trimester that little peanut in your belly is beefing up big time.
His head is tilted in the direction of the camera, his hand on his belly, his rifle propped up vertically against the rocks.
It’s hard to think of Ellen without calling up the image of Juno’s hooded sweatshirt stretched over her enormous pregnant belly.
Next, starting from the feet and ankles, work your way up the legs and thighs until you reach the belly.
And in Arkansas, an estimated 100,000 fish went belly-up the day before 5,000 blackbirds slammed into roofs, mailboxes and the ground at full speed.
the great thing for you is your belly, shich should be big up day by day.
the great thing for you is your belly, shich should be big up day by day.