Which of the following does housing belong in according to the text?
Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.
There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.
Such products don't belong in the DMZ.
这样的产品不会位于 DMZ 中。
Whether such foods belong in an optimal diet remains to be established.
I'm not surprised, with his qualities he'd belong in any great side.
Will there be claims that parts of Ukraine rightfully belong in Russia?
Business CARDS belong in your Rolodex, BlackBerry, iPhone, PDA or cellphone.
He sees the things which belong in his present picture but which are not yet there.
Unlike other creatures, humans define the groups to which they belong in abstract terms.
Headlines may not look like they belong in a newspaper, but they always work that way.
Let there be no doubt: the Magic still belong in the small circle of title contenders.
You may even agree with the argument that validation code doesn't belong in the view layer.
It seems that every day brings a new revelation about which foods belong in a healthy diet.
If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this.
Clearly some of the people he describes don't belong in prison at all; some are more mad or sad than bad.
Any packages that you should probably have, but are not absolutely required, belong in the "Recommends" field.
They may not have the name recognition of a Google or a Yahoo!, but they can claim to belong in the same league.
Put items you find in one room that actually belong in another in the box and put them in their proper place.
One interesting question is: does the section really belong in the WSDL interface file or in the implementation file?
Hamas will survive, and with it that strain in Arab thinking which says that a Jewish state does not belong in the Middle East.
Not something that would delight my husband, unfortunately, who believes animals belong in the wild and should not be kept as pets.
Use case purists might say that even protocol is an implementation detail that doesn't belong in a use case, and they'd be correct.
Likewise, we could belong in a galactic ecosystem, where alien civilizations compete for resources, co-exist and evolve accordingly.
But the more important reason is because I think FindBugs is best used as an integrated part of your build, and UIs don't belong in automated builds.
Asked then about future prospects for Mr. Toyoda, then a 43-year-old general manager, Mr. Okuda said: 'Nepotism just doesn't belong in our future.'
Because Snort doesn't have lots of GUI components, it doesn't really belong in the typical Windows application-installation directory of c: \ Program Files.
因为Snort并没有过多的GUI组件,它实际上不属于典型的Windows应用程序,安装目录也不在C: \ ProgramFiles之下。
Because Snort doesn't have lots of GUI components, it doesn't really belong in the typical Windows application-installation directory of c: \ Program Files.
因为Snort并没有过多的GUI组件,它实际上不属于典型的Windows应用程序,安装目录也不在C: \ ProgramFiles之下。