Cut a slit in the other end of both of the strips and tie each one to a separate belt loop in front.
The invention relates to a locating device, in particular to a belt loop locator for the location of a belt loop.
At any rate, there should be aftermarket accessories available to remedy these minor shortcomings, or it may be possible to alter the case to accommodate a belt loop.
In the particular, the wide belt loop is arranged at the middle of the three belt loops in the left or right sides, and the other belt loops is still in a narrow shape.
Nevertheless, I learned to always stow my tools in my tool belt and to loop the extension cord around a limb.
XT Cantilevered speed-regulating belt scale performs high-precision measuring and batching control of closed-loop flow by rapidly acquiring signals of weight on the belt and running speed of the belt.
Once in the Loop Current, oil can travel south and enter the Gulf Stream, a powerful ocean conveyor belt that carries warm water up the eastern seaboard.
Each pocket is lined with the Back-Up Belt System? Loop-sided carrier which allows the attachment of Back-Up Belt System? Pouches.
PHQ-1600 belt-loop supply balance plane accident Widely used for all types of small electrical, electrical tools, machinery manufacturing, Zhou Lei, spinning her balance calibration.
PHQ-1600 belt-loop supply balance plane accident Widely used for all types of small electrical, electrical tools, machinery manufacturing, Zhou Lei, spinning her balance calibration.