The window had opened easily at his touch, belying the complex lock that had once existed there.
Gordon Brown, belying his clunking image, has brought tech-savvy communications staff into Downing Street.
The company now has around 100 designers in Delhi making books for Dorling Kindersley, belying the idea that Britain can at least live off its creative industries.
Slightly belying its name, the fine-structure constant is actually a compound of several other physical constants, whose values can found in any physics textbook.
This time, though, he fought off his own negativity with shows of positive emotion. More important, belying his perfectionist's style, he put the screw-ups behind him and won anyway.
This time, though, he fought off his own negativity with shows of positive emotion. More important, belying his perfectionist's style, he put the screw-ups behind him and won anyway.