You may also have noticed that my apple trees bend over the fence and seem to look down at your children with interest.
When your car breaks down in Big Bend National Park, you can make a fire with wood.
When Thomas had eaten all the cherries, his father said to him, "My dear son, if you had bent down earlier to pick up that horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries."
I never bothered to bend down to see if it contained anything interesting.
And most importantly, we must reshape our world so that when an old man falls on the street, any one of us would bend down to help him up.
Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor.
Still, imagine an office full of of scandalized and perverted stares as you exit the bathroom or bend down to pick up a pencil — awkward?
Bend your knees and lower your back knee towards the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the centre of the foot.
Giraffes rarely bend down to drink water or eat grass — a baby giraffe even can stand just 20 minutes after it's born!
The keyboard is too high, which makes your arms reach up, your shoulders hunch and your wrists bend down.
Shallow rocks bend, and that slows the rupture down.
To drink they must spread their legs and bend down in an awkward position that makes them vulnerable to predators like Africa's big cats.
As his wagon rounded a bend in a high mountain road, he looked down on his neighbors' wagons ahead of him.
John can tie his shoelaces, almost. He helps Mom tie hers, because she keeps saying that her big tummy gets in the way when she wants to bend down.
If you want to save money, you are forced to bend down, or to stretch up to reach the top shelves.
But full-grown elephants are so heavy they often prefer not to bend their knees to lie down on the ground and so they sleep standing up.
Then, the cutters give a signal and the men all simultaneously fall back. The flock rushes in, covering the body completely, their heads disappearing as they bend down to tear away bits of flesh.
Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?
Average American workers earned nearly a penny a second in 2015. It's literally not worth their time to bend down and pluck one from the sidewalk.
If you are losing your balance, bend down on the skateboard so that you will not have so far to fall.
Contributing something to Earth could be just as easy as turn off air conditioner for an hour, or bend down ur knees and pick up a trash.
Wang Shihou unloads the plough and he opened the wine bottles to propose a toast one by one. Also he sends cigarettes to them. Dozens of smoke move slowly. Several women bend down and cough up.
Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?
AS we get old, we find it more and more difficult to see, to hear, to walk, to bend down, and to climb stairs.
AS we get old, we find it more and more difficult to see, to hear, to walk, to bend down, and to climb stairs.