As technology becomes ever more potent and Nature reacts ever more violently, there is an urgent need to rethink how best to deal with the growing contradictions between Man and Nature.
Around this time, I started playing in a band with a Chinese man who became one of my best friends in Beijing.
Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel.
Mom said, "Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he raised a good man and that you do your best to fill his shoes."
You have shown me what a family man is—a man who gives what is best for his children.
Years of experience in the industry—and failed attempts to use technology—have convinced him that the best way to check cattle is with a man on a horse.
In 2022, four man-made moons can take turns to work as they will not always be in the best position (位置) relative to the sun.
Some Berkshire watchers speculate that Mr. Buffett has held back from naming Mr. Sokol his successor because he remains undecided about whether he is the best man for the job.
United are canvassing opinion among leading football figures about who would be the best man for the job and Fergie will also have an input.
Moreover, in the eyes of most Indonesians as well as foreign observers, the best man won.
To one lot of people, fairness means establishing the same rules for everybody, playing by them, and letting the best man win and the winner take all.
It's many times tougher than even Kevlar, which is one of the best man-made materials.
In October 1949, in his room at University College hospital, he married Sonia Brownell, with David Astor as best man.
The two already had planned a trip to France and Germany for earlier this month - Jon-Marc was the best man in a friend's wedding in Berlin - so they decided to make it their honeymoon.
Britain's Prince Harry has worked hard to shake off his wild-child image - and his newfound maturity will be tested to the limit when he ACTS as best man at his brother Prince William's wedding.
Freddie was Keith's best man and his friends Eric, Billy, and Andrew were the groomsmen.
Popular topics of discussion include Kate Middleton’s long-awaited dress design, the guest list and the possibility of Prince Harry, William’s best man, forgetting or dropping the ring.
The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.
The best man should also be a humorous one, so he could heat up the atmosphere.
All through the marriage rehearsals she had flirted with Sonny Corleone in a teasing, joking way she thought was permitted because he was the best man and her wedding partner.
Best man, do not always think by who, people are selfish, oneself is the most reliable man.
Ross has to choose whether Joey or Chandler will be his best man; he chooses Joey, which seems okay until after the bachelor party when the wedding ring is missing.
After Blair inspires Chuck's impromptu heartfelt best man speech, the two share a dance —and a kiss —beginning their short-lived summer romance.
作为父亲的伴郎,Chuck受Blair启发放弃了一开始准备好的卡片而改为一席更加真实感人的即席演说。 之后二人翩翩起舞,情难自禁,开始了一段短暂的夏日罗曼史。
Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and maid of honor.
The custom of the best man probably goes back to the days when the groom took a friend with him when he went to kidnap the bride from her home.
As George introduced Peter and Sarah it is only fit (and proper) that he should be best man at their wedding.
The same word is used to refer to the best man at a wedding and a king's inner circle of intimate, trusted friends.
"I 'm sure Daniel' s the best man for the job." Mrs. Weevers put in.
"I 'm sure Daniel' s the best man for the job." Mrs. Weevers put in.