WIS has worked tirelessly to provide best in class service to CVS and that effort was rewarded.
Seagate is committed to delivering best in class and high quality products and services to all our customers.
Best in class. A philosophy of outsourcing to service providers that have proven their expertise in a specific area.
Our information technology is leading change in the industry, and has been recognised as amongst the best in class, not just best in industry.
A complete data management and business intelligence platform providing best in class ease of use and manageability for running departmental applications.
Another buoy might entail conducting benchmarking exercises on firms outside your industry that are best in class in a competency you are seeking to master.
"Our competition now is really Toyota and Volkswagen, because they are pursuing the same fundamental strategy — a full family of cars and best in class," says Mulally.
Of course, we were wishing him the best, but there is a huge difference between a good American player in the Italian second league and the best in class in the N.B.A..
He was still very modest though he was recognized as the best student in our class.
Though he is regarded as one of the best students in the class, he is still very modest.
The teacher would rank the art of all the students in the class from best to worst.
A few of you are even the best in your class.
I think she is the best student in my class.
I used to be the best singer in the class.
Although I was good at drawing, I wasn't the best in my art class.
Tony is the best student in the class because he works harder than the others.
Discussing the best ways to succeed in class shows your teacher you care about the class.
The students in Miss Wang's class are all trying their best to study hard to go to the university.
How you can become a "best-in-class" email marketer?
Aberdeen also identified the specific practices and attributes that help best-in-class marketers achieve some of the highest deliverability rates in the industry.
The fund selects across sectors, using an ethical screening approach that excludes defence and tobacco companies, and also follows a best-in-class strategy.
Analysis of vendor applications and best-in-class processes.
SQL Server 2008 Standard is a complete data management and business intelligence platform that provides best-in-class ease of use and manageability for running departmental applications.
SQLServer 2008标准版是一个完整的数据管理和业务智能平台,为部门级应用提供了最佳的易用性和可管理特性。
Thanks to the Aberdeen study, businesses of all sizes can follow the example of best-in-class marketers and aim for deliverability in the 90 percent range.
Microsoft should build best-in-class iPad software in the Office formats.
Among the success metrics identified are segmentation, personalization, list hygiene, and opt-in strategies, all best-in-class practices businesses must master to meet marketing goals.
研究确立的一些成功标准有细分、个性化、列表清洁(listhygiene)以及许可营销(opt - in)策略,企业必须掌握以上所有最佳实践以实现营销的目标。
IT reads: "Achieve best-in-class operational and financial efficiency to reach 10% EBIT in the first half of the decade 2010-2020."
其中写道:“在2010 - 2020十年期间的头五年中收获10%的息税前利润业务及财务效率达到同类顶级水平。”
Best-in-class performance - as evidenced in a July 2007 SPECjAppServer benchmark result.
Best-in-class performance - as evidenced in a July 2007 SPECjAppServer benchmark result.