If we do our best for nature, nature will offer its best to us in return!
In the past, Chinese people often embroidered on hats, shoes and dresses to show the beauty of nature or the best wishes to others.
But the best part of what I learned was that even in the darkest days of winter, nature is still trying to tell us its secrets!
In most cases, these kinds of decisions are of an architectural nature and so are best judged by an architecture team.
Of course, the best idea is actually spending some time in the countryside, but it's not always possible, so the only thing left is probably bringing some nature to your house instead.
In fact, we are equipped by nature the ability to restore our eyesight condition, let us use the best of it.
The Stoic philosophy was primarily concerned with living in accordance with both one's own nature and universal nature, perhaps best understood in the sense meant by Taoist philosophers of the East.
In the long run, it really shouldn't have been that big a surprise to me that I feel best eating the simple foods that nature provides instead of man-made concoctions.
Still, the visuals, the music and the overlying subject matter - which the nature of the film necessitates we not spell out - makes this one of the best science fiction thrillers to come out in years.
Though not technical in nature, the book does assume a basic understanding of the software development lifecycle process and best practices.
Being afraid of doing something wrong is human nature, but it's not in your best interest.
The best part is understanding how the magician, or huckster, plays on our human nature to get us to behave in a certain way.
It is very delicate and a bit cracked because of the earthquakes but is the best heating device in the nature reserve.
Nature conditions here are not the best : +12 degrees in the middle of summer, constant rain and snow-capped peaks surrounding the airport, that is the only plane place in the region.
And if you like nature, but don't enjoy camping, spending a few nights in a lighthouse keeper's cottage provides the best of both worlds.
In my childhood, which was filled with emotional dramas and traumas, my best friend was nature.
Instead of nature choosing and breeding the most successful specimens in the wild, humans started to choose, breed and grow those that suited them best.
Helping people in need, animals in need and the nature is one of the best things you can do each day to make the world a better and happier place to live.
Helping people in need, animals in need and the nature is one of the best things you can do each day to make the world a better and happier place to live.
Almost for sure our parents are the best teachers at the beginning of our lives, which actually corresponds to the parents role in nature.
The duty of every man who has a good wish is to do his best to make a firm effort in his own little world, to make the doctrine of pure human nature a living force.
In its noblest embodiments, it exemplifies human nature in its highest forms, for it exhibits man at his best.
We are convinced that cooperation, exchange of knowledge and mutual respect are the best means to echo back the message of nature reflected in the wonderful gift of these plants.
Says the shepherd's purse is the best in March, with a faint fragrance of nature .
The extraordinary qualities of great beings who hide their nature escapes ordinary people like us, despite our best efforts in examining them.
The extraordinary qualities of great beings who hide their nature escapes ordinary people like us, despite our best efforts in examining them.