A purge last year of the customs service, now run by better-trained staff, is part of the reason.
This first generation of teachers is now blocking opportunities for better-trained young graduates who cannot find jobs in state schools.
Simply praising the employee's good characteristics while ignoring his or her lack of resourcefulness will never result in a better-trained employee.
They have better eyesight than human and have been trained to spot orange life jackets of people lost at sea.
Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.
Trained in numerous defence arts, Lara can fight better than any man and isn't scared to get physical when it matters.
Trained in critical incident stress management, they were better prepared than most to understand the stress of disasters.
One evaluation has shown that 70% of the people who received the new glasses corrected their own vision at least as well, if not better, than a trained optometrist.
Responsibility for service delivery has been shifted from the village and township levels upward to the counties where personnel are better trained and monitoring systems are more readily implemented.
My faults have taught me, they've trained me, they've prepared me; they've made me a better me.
Some 500 poll workers were fired after the first round, and their replacements are supposedly better trained.
the usual reply is a hesitant "Sorry, " or some other weak excuse, as he or she likely has not been trained properly or doesn't know any better.
通常的回答是犹豫。 “对不齐,”或者其他一些蹩脚的借口,好像他或者她培训没培好,或者不识时务。
People who are musically trained are better at picking up these patterns because they learn to recognise notes and pitches within melodies and harmonies.
They will be trained by good specialists and will get better living conditions than they could have in the safari park.
Western multinationals often find that the best local people leave for a local rival as soon as they have been trained, because the prospects of rising to the top can seem better at the local firm.
The state’s anti-Naxalite police have been better trained, paid and armed than forces elsewhere.
Rats can be trained to identify TB-positive sputum samples — and do it better than conventional techniques. Karen Hopkin reports.
Computerised image-processing systems should get better at detecting forgeries as they are trained to recognise further aspects of artists' styles, says Dr Wang.
Over 50% of highly-trained health workers leave for better job opportunities abroad in some low-income countries.
Staff managing, using and maintaining medical devices need appropriate professional training and a better retention of the trained staff must be achieved.
While the better trained soldiers practise a parachute jump in a simulator which perfectly imitates the jump (especially the moment of leaving the aircraft and landing).
Hamas has already shown that its fighters, though less numerous, are better armed, trained and disciplined.
Because rats can be trained to spot tuberculosis-and to do it better than conventional techniques. The finding is in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Alan Poling et al.
Houston decided his only hope was to withdraw until his soldiers were better trained and had more equipment.
All of these have enriched the powers of trained experts to drive for better solutions to the problems.
Your advice will be sought and listened to in the coming weeks, and in many ways you are being groomed for a better position professionally, not least because you are well trained and conscientious.
However, recent studies show that there are, at least, some domains where "experts" perform no better then less trained individuals cf.
However, recent studies show that there are, at least, some domains where "experts" perform no better then less trained individuals cf.