The tailor stood still, looked at the seat for a long time, for he liked it better than all the rest.
The tailor stood still, and looked at the seat for a long time, for he liked it better than all the rest.
I won. That doesn't mean that I am better than the other ones, than the rest at all, that's for sure, " he said.
Better than the rest of you. Trains are down all over town, there are traffic outages everywhere in the city, and the crime rate has spiked 50% since yesterday.
We are a people as all other peoples; we do not have any intentions to be better than the rest.
Using "all-versus-all" policy is better than "one-versus-rest" policy for classifying homo-oligomers based on the same machine learning method (such as support vector machine).
对于多类蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,基于相同的机器学习方法(如支持向量机) ,采用“一对一”策略比“一对多”效果好。
Using "all-versus-all" policy is better than "one-versus-rest" policy for classifying homo-oligomers based on the same machine learning method (such as support vector machine).
对于多类蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,基于相同的机器学习方法(如支持向量机) ,采用“一对一”策略比“一对多”效果好。