Jane: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don \ 't you?
Today, I don't know of any body who sleeps and eats better than I do.
Jane: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don't you?
In his crossest humours, formerly, I liked him better than I do in his present curious mood.
Certainly, Kobe knows much better than I do how to exploit the defense, keep them on their toes, and create easy offensive opportunities.
Other people understand parallel machines much better than I do; programmers should listen to them, not me, for guidance on how to deal with simultaneity.
I do not need to tell you these statistics. You know them better than I do, but more importantly, you know what will happen if this scourge is left unchecked.
You have been tested mightily in your life to get to this moment. And all of you know much better than I do: from the moment you leave this campus, you will be tested.
I think there is a broad consciousness in the Valley that we can do better than to leave thousands of our neighbors behind through a period of extraordinary success," San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said.
I can never do better in politics than my father did in shoemaking.
But, as a teenager, I had "better" things to do than hang out at the airport.
I do believe that when we have developed a proven set of tools and processes for AOP, we will have a better way to build software than we do today.
I mean, since the dawn of man, people have been searching for the meaning of life and its creator, so what better way to do that than with a search engine?
In hacking, it is more like a challenge that I can do better than you, I can eliminate all the security components you've installed on your system to prevent hacking.
Monsieur le Cure of the good God, all this is far too good for me; but I must say that the carters who would not allow me to eat with them keep a better table than you do.
But I find that positive motivation works better — if it’s something you really want to do, you’ll do a much better job than to avoid something you don’t want (such as being fired).
Great work usually seems to happen because someone sees something and thinks, I could do better than that.
For your information, I have better, higher-calling things to do than collect cans off the roadside.
It took time but it has been more than worth the effort: life is so much better now that I've created the time to do what I want to do.
Tactically, both Ms. Clinton and Mr. McCain focused their messages on "I can do change better than my opponent can do change."
在战术上,克林顿夫人与麦凯恩先生都将他们的诉求重点放在了“我所能做得到的,比我的对手更好”上。 “Better/更好”对于市场营销而言,并没有显著的作用。
As I mentioned before, Lombok's annotations could do a better job of communicating that they are more than just metadata.
I expected those employees to lack the enthusiasm and drive that I possessed. Instead, I found that my new "family of professionals" was able to do things quicker and better than I could.
I still regret that I never got to taste... She smelled even better than you do.
The updated computers were never any better at doing the things I wanted to do than the old ones.
Ms. Winterhalter says she likes to jump in and perform tasks herself: 'I like to mop the floor, and I think I can do a better job' than many employees.
温特哈尔特夫人说,她喜欢亲力亲为,自己完成任务:“我喜欢拖地板,而且我认为我能(比许多员工)干得 更好。”
Ms. Winterhalter says she likes to jump in and perform tasks herself: 'I like to mop the floor, and I think I can do a better job' than many employees.
温特哈尔特夫人说,她喜欢亲力亲为,自己完成任务:“我喜欢拖地板,而且我认为我能(比许多员工)干得 更好。”