He slid between the sheets and closed his eyes.
This is an abyss, between the sheets, pale white like an elegiac couplet.
What, exactly, is behind the problems between the sheets? The psychological effects of surgery appear to be one factor.
All of a sudden Nana writhed in a deep convulsion, and a bird the size of a chicken and with iridescent feathers escaped from between the sheets.
The interface energy that exists between the sheets could be minimized by the grain boundaries by the formation of dislocations or pairs of rings.
A video posted on its website said the shop, housed in an old bank building in Huntsville, "is trading guns off the street for fun between the sheets ."
The survey of 2, 000 women indicated that those in their 40s are less self-conscious about their bodies and as a result are more confident between the sheets.
And while arguments and fights may be a part and parcel of each and every relationship, there's no better way of making-up than with a hot and steamy romp between the sheets.
If you or your partner just can't get in the mood, and stress or an underlying health problem isn't to blame, you might want to spend some extra time between the sheets — sleeping.
Everyone has their own definition of success, but for today's women achievement is defined by the number of people following them on social media - as well as their life between the sheets.
In a survey for the Reader's Digest magazine, only five percent of those questioned would prefer a night between the sheets with their loved one to watching Germany contest the World Cup final。
It was the midcontinental corridor between two massive ice sheets—the Laurentide to the west—that enabled the southward migration.
Evidence that an ice-free corridor between two ice sheets developed when the continental ice first began to melt came primarily from radiocarbon dating.
It was this midcontinental corridor between two massive ice sheets—the Laurentide to the east and the Cordilleran to the west—that enabled the southward migration.
The slightest motion of a patient in bed creates friction between skin and sheets and results in loss of cells from the skin's outermost layer.
Warming is creating giant waterfalls within the ice and rivers of water between the ice and bedrock beneath. Under this pressure, they say, the ice sheets could break up physically.
Jim rising from his bed, leaving his seventy-six years between the laundered sheets.
If your browser supports alternate style sheet switching, you can even view this master file, and switch between the three different versions by alternating between style sheets.
One Friday, I asked the students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.
The two namespaces are handy to distinguish between the two elements in style sheets.
If household balance sheets were really the main obstacle to faster recovery, wouldn't the divergence in economic performance between high-debt areas and low-debt areas be far more clear?
I couldn't face another run-in with the Tamiflu, so the night passed relatively uneventfully between dizzying trips to the bathroom and sweat-soaked sheets.
When Dede and Sin-Jun were out of the room, I’d smelled my armpits and between my legs, then my sheets, then my dirty laundry.
Press them by setting them between two sheets of waxed paper. Then set the leaves and waxed paper inside the pages of a book.
The bond behavior between carbon fiber sheets and steel affects the effectiveness of strengthening, but research on this subject is still lacking in China.
To create it, he and his team embedded particles of gold and silver into a gel made mainly of methyl methacrylate (the raw material of Perspex). This was sandwiched between two thin, plastic sheets.
The LCD USES two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.
The LCD USES two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.