Bharat makes progress in his business ventures even as Amar plunges deep into poverty.
People of the Bharat lineage chop down forests of our realm. They attack on our lands.
He hacked Bharat repeatedly and then attacked Mamta who was trying to rescue her husband.
Bharat wanted to get revenge because he hated his mom because he knew the truth about her.
"It seemed fundamentally inefficient," Bharat told Mediashift, a Publish Broadcasting Service.
He makes Vidya stay in Sagar's room and so Bharat and Sagar try to pull pranks on Vidya to get her to leave.
"It's time to embrace the fact that certain news sources have a point of view, and that's why they have the following they do," says Mr Bharat.
“It’s no threat yet, ” says Bharat Bhushan, the editor of the Mail Today, a joint venture between the Daily Mail (another British paper) and India Today, an Indian weekly.
Passengerss weighing above a certain threshold would pay more for their plane tickets and lighter ones would be charged less under plans put forward by Norwegian scientist Dr Bharat Bhatta.
Passengerss weighing above a certain threshold would pay more for their plane tickets and lighter ones would be charged less under plans put forward by Norwegian scientist Dr Bharat Bhatta.