Investors feel that the bid price undervalues the company.
Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
Bid price is a key element in winning of the award of contract for a project.
After awhile, you can regroup your ads by price, and then slash your bid price.
And solutions to the optimal auction strategy and minimum bid price are provided.
Koch-Glitsch inflated its bid price to a private company in India in 2008, the letter said.
A spread is the difference between the ask price and the bid price that is quoted in the pips.
If however you were Going Short, the opening price of the currency pair would be fixed at our Bid price.
Lowest bid price method, value and function system analysis method were mostly used in evaluation of bid.
All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of strictly not less than 2% (two percent) of total bid price.
Bid price: the price that a bid der specifies in the bid form for the delivery of goods or completion of the works.
It turns out that it is quite simple if you decide to compute the high bidder and bid price at display time, not bid time.
If the promised bid price is way below the current COE price, chances are such that you will not be able to get your COE.
The bid price base line plays an important role for the Owner in estimating the project investment and selecting proper Contractor.
During large engineering project construction, the phenomenon which the low bid price often leads to high cost has its own inevitability.
Bid offer spread is the difference between the bid price and the offer price of each unitized fund. The bid offer spread is currently waived.
If given the invitation to tender bid price quotation, in accordance with the standard quotation to fill out, if not, need to carefully design.
The "offer price" is the price at which units are subscribed by you; and the "bid price" is the price which Zurich Life pays when units are redeemed.
Is the construction project tender bid price-marks "the reasonable low price"? This has become the owner and the contractor extreme issue of concern.
So, the bid price is the--they don't do it in terms of price, they do it in terms of discount so the bid discount rate- there would be two numbers for each.
The bid price of an enterprise is affected by its qualification and technical conditions, while its sale profit directly reflects the level of bid price.
And for the enterprise whose total score ranks behind, the bid evaluator is justified to believe that its bid price does not conform to the actual situation.
The Bid price will always be less than the Offer price. The difference between the Bid and the Offer price is known as the "spread". We make a profit from the spread.
The Bid price will always be less than the Offer price. The difference between the Bid and the Offer price is known as the "spread". We make a profit from the spread.