Supercomputers are big-ticket items.
You can save up to $23 per plant by building an edible garden with big-ticket vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans.
Suffice to say, I've been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I've saved with these big-ticket projects.
The Rolling Stones are one of the big-ticket acts touring this summer.
Woroch also warns against shelling out dough to protect a big-ticket purchase.
Airlines are especially vulnerable, because they depend so much on big-ticket business travelers.
No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education over the long haul.
While some big-ticket expenditures have skyrocketed, the relative cost of many necessities has dropped
He compares finding a potential partner to purchasing other "big-ticket items" such as a car or a house.
Until now, they've had to rely on TV cameras when they use the robot arm to move or install big-ticket items.
An hour ago he'd had another recheck, a big-ticket job that started backfiring 20 minutes after the customer left.
Among Carrier's early big-ticket customers were the U.S. Congress, the White House and New York's Madison Square Garden.
So for years to come, many more households will be firmly focused on saving, splashing out only occasionally on a big-ticket item.
It depends on what they buy. While some big-ticket expenditures have skyrocketed, the relative cost of many necessities has dropped.
They're gobbling up big-ticket items such as watches and leather goods and are giving extravagant gifts to colleagues and business partners.
The researchers found that men tend to covet big-ticket items that might not be within reach until later in life, such as a car or vacation home.
Where will you get the most out of your haggling? Big-ticket items, says Tod Marks of consumer Reports, a nonprofit consumer product rating company.
Oracle executives have voiced their interest in acquiring more hardware companies, and H.P. remains on the prowl, making some recent big-ticket purchases.
Nowadays the main divisions of the studios - Columbia, Paramount, Universal and the rest - specialize in big-ticket entertainment aimed at a global audience.
Oracle executives have voiced their interest in acquiring more hardware companies, and H. P. remains on the prowl, making some recent big-ticket purchases. H.
That means the easy way of devoting more resources to the frontline in Afghanistan - scrapping the big-ticket items that serve little real purpose - is closed off.
One telltale sign: the new Millionaire Fair, where vendors come to show off big-ticket items like helicopters, jewel-encrusted pencils and baby bottles made of gold.
Supply disruptions associated with the Japanese earthquake boosted prices for cars and other durable goods, trimming purchases of big-ticket items, while petrol prices soared.
No matter what you buy, shoes, pants or big-ticket items such as TV and VCR, if you find some problems with them or simply do not like them any longer, you can return them within 30 days.
But for big-ticket items, you usually require a direct sales force; for mid-range products, distributors or value-added resellers; and, for low-priced items, retail outlets or the Internet.
But for big-ticket items, you usually require a direct sales force; for mid-range products, distributors or value-added resellers; and, for low-priced items, retail outlets or the Internet.