I didn't think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the country.
She could find a good job in a big city.
Nowadays, people work hard to live in a big city.
It's a big city, and there are many cars, but my dog Terra goes everywhere with me and doesn't let me get hit by a car.
Boston is a beautiful big city with historical landmarks, museums and cultural sites.
Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism.
The life of a kid living in a big city is utterly distant from that of a kid living in a small village.
I just couldn't get used to living in a big city, so here I am back in school taking courses for a teacher's certificate.
If you visit a big city anywhere in the world, you will probably find a restaurant would serve the food of your own native country.
You know, it implied that Sally doesn't know much about the university's history and it called her a big city politician because she's from Boston.
In order to get away from the busy life in the big city, two young men decided to spend a holiday in the countryside.
One day, a yogi and his disciple arrived to the big city.
You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
You don't have to hail from the big city and be dripping in diamonds to work in fashion.
For such a big city as Beijing, the social carrying capacity has come close to its limit.
But if you don't know anyone in a big city, it's easy to fool hesitant about going there.
Because Sana could be the first big city in the world to run out of water, within a decade.
This week Chicago became the first big city to abandon its plans for a city-wide network.
So it is no surprise that Beijing has some of the worst air pollution of any big city on earth.
Benjamin: Yes, Beijing is a big city and there are about 7,000,000 people using IC CARDS on buses.
He and Granny lived in an apartment upstairs from an old neighborhood corner store in the big city.
The Rio DE Janeiro carnival is the best known worldwide but every big city has its own celebrations.
Quincy is literally in the middle of nowhere, three hours' drive from the nearest big city, Seattle.
There is no big city in Asia that does not have at least some aspiration to become a financial hub.
And local gangs, although they are growing, are not nearly as entrenched as they are in the big city.
Even with the closures, Philadelphia will still have more libraries per head than any other big city.
According to the artist each scene is created to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city.
She was “a bit frightened” when she arrived alone and like many migrants she can still feel vulnerable in the big city.
最初,当她像无数外地人一样独自踏上这片土地的时候,她“有点被吓到了”。 时至今日,在这个大都市里她仍有一种无助感。
She was “a bit frightened” when she arrived alone and like many migrants she can still feel vulnerable in the big city.
最初,当她像无数外地人一样独自踏上这片土地的时候,她“有点被吓到了”。 时至今日,在这个大都市里她仍有一种无助感。