Should you tell your friends, for instance, that they're being recorded while you all watch the big game together?
The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years.
This was a big game for me and the other fringe players trying to stake a claim.
Do not obsessed with online games, to play to play a good life in this big game.
When you're putting together a big game, it's useful to have a pool of disposable NPCs.
在整合一个大型游戏时,拥有一个一次性的 NPC池十分有用。
Even though we lost the big game, we will keep our chins up because we tried our best.
The story is about a Russian hunter who stalks a big game hunter on a Caribbean island.
Be very wary of men who talk up a big game of what they plan on doing with their lives.
The good news is that Russian tennis team finally got the qualification of the big game.
We have one match in hand that we have to win, plus we have a big game next week and in midweek.
Specially wants to continue in the worldwide basis big game maintains such result, is very difficult.
Everybody on campus is pumped up about Saturday's big game. The winning team will get the national title.
Obviously a final is a big game for any young player, but when it's against Liverpool it's more special.
Bogart ate glass till his mouth bled; the accident prone Hemingway ran with the bulls and hunted big game.
Bogart ate glass till his mouth bled; the accident-prone Hemingway ran with the bulls and hunted big game.
In 1996 buckled the basket big game, Brunt - Bary succeeds flies over the basketball to buckle the basket.
Rania guests will find some of the areas best big game fishing in the waters surrounding their won private island.
The Cavaliers will not have guard Mo Williams for tonight's big game with the Los Angeles Lakers, and not for quite some time.
This practice gives the newspapers and television images for stories and lets police and prosecutors show off the big game they bagged.
If there were bull fights and big game hunting in Paris, those would have been included, and Hemingway's Paris would have been complete.
This cape buffalo is a vicious beast that charges at humans seemingly for fun. Big game hunters cherish them for their malicious history.
Every three days we will have a big game and I said to my players just before the training session, we have now Tottenham, Valencia and Blackburn.
The Kingball Watchers Cup tournament is scheduled for next week, but the league is completely broke! How can we hold the big game, Your Highness?!
The Kingball Watchers Cup tournament is scheduled for next week, but the league is completely broke! How can we hold the big game, Your Highness?!