An international expo on big data opened on Wednesday in southwest China's Guizhou Province, showing the newest scientific and technological creations and achievements in the relevant area, May 26, 2021.
It will have a big impact, especially Wednesday night, that is a game of big importance for us.
Analysts warned that if the data falls short, it could reverse the big rally seen for markets on Wednesday.
Wednesday morning's third-quarter release from J.P. Morgan Chase will be the opening note in a clamor of earnings from big banks.
周三上午,摩根大通(J.P. MorganChase)的第三季度业绩将拉开大银行收益报告的序幕。
The US Fish and Wildlife Service declared the eastern cougar officially extinct Wednesday, even though the big cat is believed to have first disappeared in the 1930s.
So, when it's suggested that the big meeting be held on November 22, you'll know right away that it falls on a Wednesday -- which is the day you're out in the field office.
所以,假设在11 月22 日召开一个重大的会议,您可以立即了解到这一天是星期三,而这一天您将赶到驻地办公室。
The UCLA Undie Run, which takes place on the Wednesday of the school's mid-terms, is intended to alleviate the pressure that comes with big exams.(See photo)
Gasoline futures tumbled almost 8% Wednesday. The big drop halted trading on the Nymex at midday for about 5 minutes, the first of its kind in more than 2 years.
I think being England captain is always a big responsibility but I'm really delighted I'm going to be leading the boys out on Wednesday.
Watching a big soccer match can strain a fan's heart - not just figuratively, but literally, German researchers reported on Wednesday.
It's great to be playing Saturday, Wednesday, Saturday, Wednesday - you can't wait for the big games to come and you just want to get out there and get the right result.
Uncertainty over the size of the Federal Reserve's expected stimulus program due Wednesday has kept the market from ending with either big gains or losses in recent days.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (and on through Thursday morning), that mental and emotional haste will be a big benefit, as your quick wit and crazy ideas win you applause and admiration.
Two fishermen were injured when a big fishing boat suddenly exploded in Sanya, a port city in island province of Hainan on Wednesday morning.
Watching a big soccer match can strain a fan's heart - not just figuratively, but literally, German researchers reported on Wednesday.
Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. is making a big bet to expand in Asia, but the cost of that effort rattled investors Wednesday.
A "possibly" pregnant Jennifer Lopez stays covered up in a big black coat, oversized sunglasses and a floppy hat as she arrives in Toronto, Canada on Wednesday with hubby Marc Anthony. HQ PIC here.
On Wednesday, at the San Siro, there will be another big chance that Pippo will hardly fail to take.
This Wednesday, our class went to the big company organized activities, eight thirty when we got to the company.
This Wednesday, our class went to the big company organized activities, eight thirty when we got to the company.